Reviews for Hey Jude
Hollyivy chapter 75 . 8/17/2010
...hotpants? internet penis? what the. you're lucky you're a good writer and I have the hots for jude.
Stormyclouds chapter 75 . 8/10/2010
I like your story, I think I'll alert, so please update again soon! :D
deshaunwalker chapter 75 . 7/28/2010
Loved the chapter! It took a while for me to get to buy I finally did! Ion and Jude need more spotlight time... And so do Mikey and Finn. You should make a little side story with those two! It'd be super cute! But anyway, update soon!
Emofishable chapter 75 . 7/26/2010
I really enjoyed reading this.
Tigaroo chapter 75 . 7/26/2010

homepage chapter 75 . 7/26/2010
xD Mikey in hotpants. So exactly what everyone thinks they were doing.

I actually laughed out loud when I read that mikey came to greet jude in sexy smexy hotpants.
deshaunwalker chapter 74 . 7/21/2010
Yay for random makeout sessions! I hope there are more Ion/Jude makeout sessions next chappy! This was a really good chapter.. Except when you described how all the mangled bodies looked cause that was kinda gross :) gross in the good way! Update soon!
TinaLouise chapter 74 . 7/20/2010
"The demon was attempted to strike out at Alex's fiery hands,"

It should be attempting.

Other than that, nice chapter. I enjoyed it greatly.
homepage chapter 73 . 7/18/2010
C: I love love love love ( times a million) your story! I stumbled upon it a couple of days ago while surfing fictionpress on my cousins phone. Your story was so addicting. Lets just say shes lucky she even got her phone back. I was so ready to leave with it just so I can continue on reading this story.

:D I love darcy! Hes so cute!

Jude is a pretty interesting character. Hes so complex and I think his super power is pretty funny. He a lie detector :P

I'm super psyched for the next chapter!

Oh before I forget... how do you pronounce wiley's name?

Hollyivy chapter 73 . 7/17/2010
Yay! An update, I almost gave up after a year. What kind of meds?
jayanx chapter 1 . 7/16/2010
I read this over the last three days, and I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed it. Your characters and interesting and well developed. Your plot is well thought out, and very compelling. I like the idea of the demon hybrids and how you developed and intergrated it into the story. Thank you very much.
deshaunwalker chapter 73 . 7/15/2010
I seemed to have acquired a lot of updates. I read yours first :) it was a really good chapter! Despite the fact that Jude's all bleedy.
Violent Orchid chapter 72 . 7/14/2010
Still reading, been waiting for the shiny email denoting the update... Maybe they'll get some helium balloons and devolve into high pitch giggles...?
Shadowofwonder47 chapter 72 . 7/14/2010
YES! I'm so excited! I silently (as in, I will not bug you about updates. How can people believe that harrasing the author is going to make them update sooner?) wait in anticipation for the next chapter in this amazing story!
deshaunwalker chapter 72 . 7/13/2010
yay! i'm glad you're going to update soon! This story is really good. and we need more Ion action! Darcy is soo cute. I think I'm in love with him, but not in the child-molestery way. Are Sal and Wiley going to find a way to keep Finn from being invisible to Mikey? I sure hope they do. Mikey and Finn are really cute together :)
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