Reviews for Hey Jude
ramblingrobin chapter 2 . 8/23/2014
Very interesting! It's all very mysterious, what's going on with everyone. Everyone seems to have private things and a kind of mystery to them (except Finn, jeez, poor Finn). I find myself really wanting to understand everyone.
ramblingrobin chapter 1 . 8/22/2014
I realized I haven't read this one of yours. The premise is really interesting.
krlsen chapter 11 . 4/5/2014
Karida chapter 10 . 3/16/2014
Looks like things are moving forward! Getting me all excited again for what's in store :)

And I would definitely love getting to do a reread of the original, I love seeing how things have changed from the first draft to the new draft (like what's been added, taken out things like that)

Seriously going to be forever one of my favorite stories :) !
Depth-of-Field chapter 10 . 3/14/2014
OHMYGOD I'm so excited.

It's so interesting that McCartnon thought to let the windows be positioned just so that the kids could have physical contact with each other. I wonder if he doesn't think they're quite as monstrous as he says.

Future seeing people are the craziest people to read. It's strange how complaint Jude was in this chapter, though I guess when a ten year old girl who knows the future tells you to do something you do it. Really really looking forward to the next chapter!
Depth-of-Field chapter 9 . 3/10/2014
I really really really hope he can save Alex. I really liked Alex from that little scene we saw of him!

I'm starting to like Wiley too. I like how obedient he is and how weird it is that he's obedient and how he doesn't even realize it but it totally freaks Jude out. Well written!
krlsen chapter 9 . 3/10/2014
:) chapter 7 . 3/5/2014
haha, wow only reading the rewrite do i actually pick up on the creepy sexual vibes from mccarton. damn, is there a copy of the old version out on the internet somewhere? i'm feeling nostalgic. also missing the ion/jude... chapter 6 . 2/7/2014
wow, so glad to see this updated. i read your old version a while ago and loved it and jude. he's such a great character!
Talysse chapter 6 . 2/2/2014
Good job! Many interesting information.
McCartnnon is a half demon, no? He could make saying the true at Mikey (and he is too)
I love Zion and Jude like acouple
Depth-of-Field chapter 6 . 2/2/2014
I've been going through all of your stories in the last few days and they're AWESOME. I'm so glad Jude has his own story! (I started with Mikey's.)

I really really hope he saves Alex somehow. Alex seems like a really cool kid. Also, Jude's story is so much darker, though I guess it would have to be. I'm really looking forward to seeing where you go with this!
DandyChance chapter 6 . 2/2/2014
Awesome! Now I have to settle in for another year of waiting for an update, lol *sobs*
Lia Nobel chapter 2 . 5/28/2013
Lia Nobel chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
So captivating!
Talysse chapter 5 . 1/3/2013
it's wow!
When can we see Zion again? I miss he! I hope he will be a couple with Jude!
See you soon!
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