Reviews for Hey Jude
Ephira chapter 5 . 10/31/2012
Hi! I'm new to the story too and can't wait for the update! It has a really dark feeling to it...I'm seeing become like Men In Black except the aliens will be monsters and also very scary. It's really important how you leave the most detailed descriptions to us, it makes us imagine the most horrible things. Brrr! Keep it up!
sleepyreader chapter 3 . 9/27/2012
Please update soon. I'm a new reader and I'm curious to see how this story goes.

Also, I'd love to see what's going to happen between Mikey and Finn.
TinaLouise chapter 3 . 9/24/2012
It's good to see this updating again, even if it's just a short scene. If no one has offered, I'm available to do beta-ing for a bit.
Sayure chapter 2 . 9/6/2012
Too bad, no more chapters. Can you give us the next update. Please.

Anyway thanks for the work.
Karida chapter 2 . 7/1/2012
Still loving the story :)

I can't wait to see what else has been added/edited to make this an even greater read!
flawedxuni chapter 2 . 6/2/2012
I hope you're still rewriting this because I never read the original and now I'm hooked :) I wonder what Zion is, and whether or not he's a love interest for Jude. I find Mikey adorable, and I'm hoping he'll be able to see Finn sometime. Poor guy. I laughed when Mikey thought the muffin magically appeared XD even if I felt sorry for Finn.

I look forward to reading more.
deshaunwalker chapter 2 . 3/27/2012
is the story going to be completely completely different now? do i have to read it over?
crescent shadow chapter 2 . 3/26/2012
You haven't abandoned this story! I was starting to worry you had and it was very interesting the first time around. Thank you for coming back to this!
NatalieWilde chapter 1 . 1/29/2012
Well, this is the first time I've seen your story but the short intro you have here has caught my interest and I look forward to reading the rest. Surely in over seven months you've had time to finish the whole story (she said hopefully). :-)
MyWeirdWorld chapter 85 . 9/22/2011
Wow, I love your story! I started yesterday afternoon and finished it now. Your characters just seem so real.

You asked in an AN once if I saw it coming that Jude had a special ability as well. I did. From the very first time he knew someone was lying, I thought hmm weird XD and then when Mikey could see Ion and Ion didn't turn out to be so normal, I almost knew for sure.

I think my favourite characters are Mikey, Finn, Ion, Jude, Darcy and Alex. Yeah, I cant really choose ;) They're all just very unique.

Of course your writing style changed from when you first started. First everything felt rushed, but now I think it's perfect and the length of the chapters are fine now.

Sorry if my English sucks (I'm from holland)

xxx MyWeirdWorld
pradlee chapter 20 . 9/18/2011
"Perhaps, all these years, my problem had not been lack of libido, but rather lack of insane demon boys slicing into me with their own fingernails. What an unfortunate fetish that would be to have."


great story, this is probably my fourth time reading it, just can't get enough. i love your character development, it's very thorough and nicely paced. looking forward to the next update!
frolic-horror chapter 85 . 8/23/2011
Can't belive I didn't read this until now ! I totally love it!

The only thing that made me raise an eyebrow was the apocaliptic predictions...but I'm going to be patient and let you take us where you're planning to with the story :)


Frolic H.
krissybxtch chapter 85 . 8/21/2011
I love the plot, its amazing. I love the characters, they are way to real and loveable. Most importantly, I LOVE YOU, you're an amazing writer. Reading this has made me an exteremely happy girl. Other than this I have nothing constructive to say. Whenever you get a chance please update.


Enemy of Righteousness chapter 85 . 8/17/2011
I am in despair! The lack of new chapters have left me in despair! But seriously, this story is awesome, it took me some days but I finally caught up with it. I am in love with this though, everything just blows my mind. The plot is awesome, not so out there that I'm confused and original enough that I'm not fighting to get though it. The characters are the best though, for real, they're so awesome and well rounded. Especially Jude, Jude's my favorite of course, perfect dynamic round character really. Bonus points since I can relate to him so much. Plus his personality is awesome in general, but for real man, I don't even know what to say it's so great. I also love how uh..the timing is? started..then is jumped to two years later..and nothing was rushed. That kind of thing, nothing was rushed or thrown together, Jude and Ion's relationship is paced perfectly. Not to mention the general awesome their relationship is anyways, like really. I don't know, I just love it, a lot. I hope you update this soon, soonish, or something, I would like to know what happens next.
Shamalan Grey chapter 85 . 8/5/2011
Haha. I like Jude but sometimes when he's rambling inside his head he sounds like such a girl. Which isn't a bad thing since girls tend to be more sensible. Unless it involves a boy...oh my, this situation does involve a boy. *snicker* Poor Jude.

Also cheers for Mikey and Finn. May things work out for the best.

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