Reviews for Beautiful Mistakes
Genato chapter 27 . 3/7/2011

vERY VERY GOOD. IWhat's up with you and pregnant girls by the way... first in unwanted, then beautiful mistakes. :))

Anyway, I want to congratulate you on the job well done. The plot was riveting, the characters flawless because there were flawed and so layered, very nice! They have so many different personalities and stuff, it's really cool. I really liked the epilogue too, although I predicted that they will have a second child as I was pressing the next arrow button to the epilogue. :))

However, one question, so Alyssa will never know who her biological father is?
ScifiSOS chapter 27 . 3/2/2011
I thank you for the best two to three day read in my life. I swear. It always held the realistic aspect of life along with emotions and situations. And just...omfg the character development is superbly amazing that I'm in awe. I just love this. Bookmarking it if i ever go for that second read! I am a sap for these stories but this is well written I'm loving it!

:D have a nice wonderful day :D

AndItMovesUsAll chapter 27 . 2/23/2011
Perfect ending. When i read the authors note at the start of this story and it said about you not liking the cliched or conventional plotlines, i was really excited, but worried about where you would go with it, especially when she started sleeping with Matt. However it turned out to be brilliant, and very realistic and the unknown made it all the more exciting. Her and Aarons relationship was amazing to read because it was so real and natural and the fact that he was reluctant at first made it so gripping, it makes you long for something more as your reading.

Honestly thought the whole plotline and web of characters was very well thought out, you obviously knew every character intimately, and the way they all linked through different relationships was clever.

I have to say i'm undecided as to whether i like Matt. I liked him but was wary right from the beginning, because of the quick pace that things were going, and then went ot flat out hating him, and pretty much disliked him for the rest of it, because he was still trying to be with her, throughs the flowers and jewlry. In the end though, i'd say i'm indifferent, which i think is pretty good as (and correct me if i'm wrong)i assume thats what you were going for? Because at the end, Julie was so happy in her life with Aaron that she just wanted to move on.

You should definately attempt to get this published, its a fantastic book.

I'm actaully so excited to read the rest of your stories! :)
Warrior-Princess06 chapter 27 . 2/21/2011
'OMG! I'm finally done reading ALL the CHAPTERS within 2 days..haha.! :) I only had a limited hours of sleeping because of school works but i spent it by reading this fic..! HEHE! :D I SUPER DUPER LOVE IT! I love this kind of fic.! :)) I love the plot of this fic..very unpredictable, unique, interesting and full of surprises.! :D Congratulations for this perfectly awesome, wonderful, amazing and well-written fic.! :D Thanks for sharing your imagination to us..! :D You DESERVE all the positive adjectives in the dictionary! :)) This fic gave me a mixed made me sad, happy, fantastic, enthusiastic and crazy for this fic.! HAHA! I really enjoy reading this.! :D Keep up the good work.! :D

I love Julie and Aaron..they're such a perfect couple..i'm glad that they ended up together and that they're going to have a second child. I love Alyssa too, adorable kid! What a Great family..hehe! :)) Actually, when i was still in the middle of reading this fic, I was hoping that you're going to give Aaron a chance to have a baby and you did.! :)) I love the way you ended this, very successful fic..! :))

I hate Leigh when she become somewhat antagonist to Julie and Aaron relationship but i understand her feelings that's why i'm happy that she's moving on..hehe.! :D I hate Matt to the fullest..i hate that kind of guy who cheated and also Emma for being full of herself and awful..tsktsk..but I love their daughter, Anna! HEHE! :)) I hate Jack and Shannon too! :))

Anyways, I'm sorry if i didn't review each chapter..maybe if i came here around the time when you still writing this fic, i will and i'm too excited to read the next chapter to leave a yeah.! :)) Congratulations again and Until next time.! :))

PS: I LOVE the fantasy version too that you created..! HEHE! :)) I love this fic from the beginning to the end.! :)) Awesome! :)) Definitely One of my favorite stories ever.! :D
SecretPassion chapter 27 . 2/17/2011
I have nothing other to say loved it!
Holly Jay Platt chapter 27 . 2/14/2011
I have to say, I was captivated with this story. Until Chapter 20. I guess that's why it took so long for me to finish - I got so bored with it. After Chapter 22, it started to drag on. I kept expecting something to happend more than, "Okay, we're happy... We're still happy... Now we're buying a condo... Now the father of my child is moving away... And we're still happy... And now we're SUPER happy..."

Over all, I liked this story. I don't want to buy it anymore, but it's still in my mind under "Positive." This story ended the way I hoped it would, but it took to long to get there.


Holly J.
sblue13 chapter 27 . 2/3/2011
Wow! This was an awesome story, although I really disliked Julie when she was with Matt in the beginning because no matter how awful Emma was or whatever problems they seemed to have, Julie really should have never slept with a married man. I also have to say that Aaron was my favourite character in the story, right from the beginning all the way to the end. Overall this is probably one of my top 5 favourite stories on here. Good Job! :)
SerenityFlame chapter 5 . 1/27/2011
Hey I started reading this story even though I've skipped over it many times because the plot is somewhat overdone. However when I started reading I had this strange sense of Deja vu...your story has been written before or after idk. This is obviously the original it's much better written well thought out and complex characters and situations already starting to come out. I really am enjoying it and I'm glad i didn't let some plagerizer distract me from your story. However the story i saw was a few months ago and I'm not sure where it is but i'll put in an effort to find it now since I know who the real author is. They used your beginning scene with the paper and the little girl and dad. They changed very little and it was badly written. I even skipped ahead a chapter or two to see if it got better but it only got worse as they fell in love almost sufice to say i stopped reading. But seeing that one of my all time fictionpress writers had your story as a favorite I figured it couldnt be that bad. So to cut this short lol I like your story and I'll do my best to find your plagerizer
Angelxoxo13 chapter 27 . 1/23/2011
Yeah! Aaron got hir own baby. I'm glad. Great ending just like I imagined it a few mins ago, a few chapters earlier. Thanks for a great story!
Angelxoxo13 chapter 26 . 1/23/2011
I cried when Aaron face lit up. I knw I knw, I'm very emo w story like this. Great ending.
Angelxoxo13 chapter 25 . 1/23/2011
It's good when Matt and Emma finally letting go.
Angelxoxo13 chapter 24 . 1/23/2011
Julie's soo trusting. Aaron's too adorable. Great chapter, working out their differences.
Angelxoxo13 chapter 23 . 1/23/2011
Aaron happiness for his nephew's make me sad. I wish he can reproduce at last in next few chapters that I'll be reading. :)
Angelxoxo13 chapter 22 . 1/23/2011
Ow sweet. They finally did it. Lol. Is it safe sex while she's on early pregnancy. Coz I tell you, I'm naïve in that part. Lol. Great story.
Angelxoxo13 chapter 21 . 1/23/2011
I'm in love w this story. Even though I'm kinda late of finding your story, well, it worth it. Well dramatic story. ;)
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