Reviews for To Love a Loser
Guest chapter 21 . 12/14/2012
: ) Nice
Guest chapter 15 . 12/11/2012
mut and happiness and rainbows : )
Mcgde chapter 21 . 11/24/2012
...I hate you.




I'll be sharpening my pitchfork with anticipation.

Mcgde chapter 8 . 11/23/2012
Heh. I just realized after seeing that note at the end that I have read one of your other stories before.

Makes me love you all the more.

Espn Laflamme chapter 21 . 10/20/2012
I love this story so so much! I would really love for you to update it!
quayjahn chapter 21 . 10/18/2012
Ahhhh, no! You can't stop here! finally he realised that there is more and than there is no chapter anymore! Please finish the story!
LyRiCho chapter 21 . 10/14/2012
NOOOOOOOOO! Oooooooo this can't be over! Seriously! I love this! LOVE this! Gosh! I swear those boys are idiots! But you just have to love this! And Winnie!? Hahahahahaha perfection! Ooooooo I love this please tell me your planning to continue!?... I love this! Dx
Guest chapter 21 . 9/14/2012
ahahah. two more chaps or so you said. won’t critize you for not updating though cz it’s totally my fault that i read an unfinished, un-updated with tons of reviews story. anyway the ust was soo sexy
Stephlikeswriting chapter 16 . 8/24/2012
This story is a beautiful mix of angst and friendship and great sex and fluffy tender moments.
Nuitdemeztli chapter 21 . 7/8/2012
wow! those two need eachother a lot! Oliver to push himself and follow through and Felix to actually win. I cant wait to read more of this!
WhatHappened chapter 21 . 6/23/2012
Seriously? You stop writing sooooo close to the end? WHY?
FreekyDisaster18 chapter 1 . 6/18/2012
Hey!I am here to share some exciting news. This story has been added to the ADoR slash category!

Here's the review:

"There's nothing worse than feeling inferior, worthless and second best but it's even worse when it's your best friend who is, unknowingly, making you feel said emotions. This is how Oliver feels due to Felix always being better at him in everything. Fencing, swimming, running; you name it and Felix was better at it. However, just as Oliver thinks he can't stand Felix any longer, a drunken mistake changes everything...

'To Love a Loser' is a perfect story of competition, friendship and romance that has you building a rapport with both male protagonist's. One minute you're giggling along with them, the next you're wanting to bang their heads together just so that they will wise up! This is all thanks to The Milk Bottle's perfect delivery. Each element listed is captured flawlessly in her writing, characterisation and plot line that realistically progresses throughout the chapters. The Milk Bottle shows us, throughout this story, that sometimes the best stories are those that come naturally to us and we don't over think with plans, layouts and structure.

Just a word of warning, this story has yet to be completed but it's most definitely worth a read as well as being added to your alerts list! It's definitely being added to mine..."

Keep writing,

Limiear22 chapter 21 . 4/15/2012
I know how Oliver felt! Being a loser and feeling stupid and all, giving your best but your best isn't enough. I cried when he confessed to Felix! It made me feel that I'm not alone. ;_;

Please update soon! I hope this has a happy ending.
just baja again chapter 21 . 4/11/2012
just saying.. i've been feeling very calcium deficient lately.
just baja chapter 21 . 4/11/2012
it's been almost two years.. i'm still waiting (i'm sure others are too),

and i hope you feel like updating sooner rather than later.

i just read through this whole story another time through.

and i think it's crazy that it only had a few chapters left since the last time you updated it.

sorry that i didn't login, i wasn't sure it'd let me. but this is justbaja.

i'll be waiting for the rest.


thanks for sharing!,

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