Reviews for Stop Stalking Me!
delsana chapter 9 . 1/3/2019
What does it mean when you find a website in 2018 or 2019 now and realize the story you read hasn't been updated in 7 or so years? That's the case with all these good stories it seems. I can't understand why.

I understand stress but I'm a depressed extrovert with probably no friends given how they never seem to be there when I ever need them or even when I'm hurting.. And I think I'm a waste of life among other things.. But I seem to still be able to visit websites and do assignments barely. I guess life happens and you know maybe you move on to better websites and different usernames or video games or die or just don't find the same things entertaining.

Thank you though again its another incomplete story like every one I've read this week since I've been here.

I thought furry comics were slow.. Lol.

Good job with your story. It should have been a full length book.
Fobbster chapter 1 . 6/29/2015
Lol so seme.
sunshine305 chapter 9 . 10/6/2014
Every chapter made me laugh;please continue.
Guest chapter 9 . 6/5/2014
Well. I know that its been two years since you've updated, but you really should! Please lol. This story is too great to abandon.
semantics chapter 9 . 2/2/2014
I loved this story so much! utterly hilarious and I couldn't stop laughing all the way through! I really hope you finish it! :) great job.
Guest chapter 7 . 9/1/2013
you killed it man, with this chapter! you just fucking killed It! xD
Guest chapter 1 . 9/1/2013
LOL! i couldn't stop laughing throughout this whole chapter!
Birzx chapter 8 . 8/13/2013
That was so hilarious, especially the whole dead guy part. I can't wait for more.
IndubitablyDerpy chapter 8 . 8/9/2013
incrediblectopus chapter 9 . 7/15/2013
I guess it's pretty pointless to ask for an update when it's been over two years since the last chapter was posted, but I'm going to anyway. It takes a lot to make me laugh out loud, but with this story I was giggling all the way down the stairs. I really feel for Himel and I want Calen to be my friend. I think Johann and Mimi are amazing. I will definitely always remember this story, even if you don't finish it, but I do really want you to finish it. This is one of the good ones.
IndubitablyDerpy chapter 9 . 7/2/2013
I love this story so much! Its so funny! Made me laugh a lot. I really like the pairing Himel x Calen, it's cute o u o. Hope you continue on the story! :D
bonky jo chapter 9 . 6/1/2013
Was this supposed to be so utterly hilarious?! There were parts that I was literally DYING from laughter (and I bet the people around me thought I was crazy). Seriously I don't know if I can properly convey how much I liked this story, but still i have to say it's awesome. I love all your characters, and the POV switches make me fall for them even more. Even Mimi and Tristan are too funny for words!

Lol it's also hard to believe all this crap has happened in what? A couple days.. But that just adds to the humor! Haha I want more of this story! I seriously need to know what happens with Calen x Himel. It might be too soon but i bet Calen's falling for Himel already. And I bet there will be another showdown w/ the lawyer in the future lol. Anyways PLEASE update! :-D
Lulu the Llama chapter 9 . 2/6/2013
Oh! glad I found this. I have a soft spot for stalker stories, whhen they're humor. You just know you're going to be in for a crazy, fun time.

You lived it down! HYSTERICAL.

and I know stalker boy is a crazy one, but he's hot. Good job with both of them I love reading about their dynamic, absurd, and of course funny relationship!
Madame Kiksters chapter 2 . 1/24/2013
I literally had to stop every five seconds to laugh at this and was in hysterics at the mention of the "popo"! Awesome job!

By the way, you are awesome at romantic comedy, you should do more of you haven't already.
Soraa chapter 9 . 12/23/2012
Love this story!
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