Reviews for Something for Me
breakthehabit chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
In the morning! O_O I really like the way you wrote this. :D With the flashbacks and stuff. I realized halfway through the story what was present and what were the memories.. :P Had to reread it. Love it. 3
DarkShadow2012 chapter 1 . 6/29/2012
To put this short, im jealous. I wish i could write something as beautiful as that. It was sweet, and at the end, i swear, my insides were floating.
What can i say, i loved it.
Definately know how to put a smile on my face.

*note* any possibility that you could glance over my poems and tell me how terrible they are? :)
master of suspence chapter 1 . 9/14/2009
what thats how you leave it! you have to at least let us know if flo's love is returned! please i want to know!
Omok chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
In the morning...X_x; oh no..x_x; What i mean by that was..


if i was in the shoe of the narrator. I wouldn't have been able to keep everything to my self and wait till the morning or something. Lol. X_x;

can you write another chapter for this? *eyes shine* *pleading eyes*