Reviews for Copyrighted Powers Academy
Elizabeth Ellerbe chapter 1 . 1/4/2014
I thought this was really good. Keep up the great work.
HannahCMcAlea chapter 1 . 12/16/2012
I love this story. enough said... :)
lapislazuliie chapter 1 . 7/17/2011
Seems very very interesting.
thefaultinourpatronus chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
The description and the character had contrasting views. I think that is an excellent way of writing! She's described as sweet and innocent, and is actually anything but. Although I do with you framed that last sentence better. It had so much of the plot to it, the prologue should've ended with a bang! "They didn't know that she was planning to kill each and every one of them." - seemed a bit too lacking action, to me. Other than that, great writing and interesting plot so far! (:

x mandy
wayfaringstrangers chapter 6 . 1/22/2011
It's been like two years, but I really hope you continue this story eventually. I like it so far, and I'd like to know where it's going. The plot hasn't been given away completely, yet, though there's been plenty foreshadowing.

And, also, Celian has yet to make an appearance.

Anyways, favoring it! :)
Serendipitist Swan chapter 1 . 12/4/2010
At first I thought this was a parody, what with the title being Copyrighted Powers Academy, but your writing style suggests different. Your prologue evokes a feeling of mystery, it's compelling me to read more.

Very cool. I wish I could write like that.

Indigo Masquerade chapter 1 . 11/27/2010
This review is brought to you by The Review Marathon over at The Review Game forum.

I like the way you started this, with the creepy little piece at the begining. 'Please, listen' is a great line, it's almost haunting.

The description of the headmistress was slightly purple-prosaic and overly romantic for my tastes. It sounded like a scene from a romance novel which didn't really gel with the rest of the chapter for me.
Kackex chapter 2 . 6/5/2009
I've been reading and here is what I have to say on this little chapter. In the fourth section how is the head mistress watching Tristan and Vanessa, a camara' maybe, gotta explain. You have a nice character depth with Jessica; she seems to have the most character depth with her own quirks, traits, and thought. The teachers on the other hand have the least amount of depth. The idea of a story based on how a group of people die sounds like an interesting experiment. It is good so far.

Keep on writing, would you kindly.

- Kackex
Kackex chapter 1 . 6/5/2009
The introduction has been well done. Nice unique name for the story and the school. Their should be parts added in the beginning for the intervenals in the travel there, the entering of the school, and etc. to enable smoother transistions. It seems to be original and may be very entertaining. You have nice discriptions, and good wording. I will contiune to read and review your story, I hope you return the favor.

Keep Writing,

Would you kindly, Kackex
Sir Pebbles chapter 3 . 4/7/2009
Whooa, drama. :P These people are teenagers, aren't they? I just remember, from the previous chapter - I think - that you started off with "boy" and "girl", so I had an idea that they were kids. Maybe you shoulda put "teenage boy/girl", you know?

Anyway, I'll read the next chapter soon.

Oh, by the way, I like the idea of an evil headmistress who is going to (somehow) kill the students (I think). ;D
Sir Pebbles chapter 2 . 3/21/2009
Hey there. I really like this story so far! (Does that show my enthusiasm? Haha.)

Seriously, I think it's really well written. And /I/ didn't think it was boring, either. Yes, you do need to make things realistic - a little problem I'm having with one of my stories at the moment - but you did this very well. I love your detail of your characters.

I did notice mistakes here and there, but nothing too major.

I like the poem-y bits at the start. Very interesting. It captured my attention in the prologue.

One thing I want to say, though, is that, while this story is interesting, and it is - again - interesting to know they will die, as I read this chapter, I started to think that perhaps you should not have said that. It would have made it more mysterious, what with the headmistress talking about keeping an eye on her students, and everything. Well, I'm not saying you SHOULDN'T have said that, just that it would be more mysterious if you hadn't. And, one more thing: having said that, the same goes for your Author's Note at the bottom. Now we know they have powers. It takes away the element of surprise, you know?

Anyways, I await reading further chapters. :)
chel bel chapter 6 . 3/14/2009
I've finally gotten around to reading this, and I must say I'm really impressed! I've always been a fan of stories with people who have powers and stuff like that, and this is an interesting take on that. The headmistress is really intriguing. I really want to know what her motives are for doing what she is. I'm also curious to see what Jessica, Vanessa and Tristan's other roomate is like. I bet he's an interesting character :). The only critique I could offer is that I'd like to see some more of Jessica's personality. She seems a little bit dull right now, and I'd like to see more characterization on her. Other than that, this story is wonderful. I hope you update soon!
Tawny Owl chapter 4 . 3/12/2009
Short chapters are good because they’re easier to read. Mine tend to drag on a bit.

I’m still liking your characters and finding the headmistress intriguing. I am looking forward to finding out what she is and why she is doing what she is.
Tawny Owl chapter 3 . 3/11/2009
Jessica wasn’t overly self pitying – she’s alone in an unfamiliar place so it seemed like a natural reaction fro her to go with the flow.

Still liking the siblings as well, especially Vanessa. The fake niceness is well done, although you do mention her green eyes a lot.
Krazy Karma chapter 6 . 3/10/2009
So I am officially in love with this. I don't get why it's called Copyrighted Powers Acdemy though. I mean, can you seriously copyright powers? Ah well. The only thing is, the whole night adventure went by really fast. I think the lake/ocean thing needs more description in particular. Also, you keep calling Lily a girl, but I thought she was a teacher?

Yousay every chapter is boring, but it's not. Nothing interesting actually happens, but your style keeps it moving. Over all, very intriguing, I can't wait for more.

Oh, and by the way, this review is submitted for the lastest chapter, but it's an overview of everthing up until now, since I just started reading. :D
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