Reviews for Misery Company
Secrets chapter 41 . 8/2/2013
Awww!, how cute!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
you have no idea how much I love this story, I've read this for like the nth time. :)) I keep on looking for stories that have similar dynamic as this.
Samantha Louise chapter 41 . 4/6/2013
I just finished reading your story and I only started it today. Awesome story! I have read another one of yours to. It was good. You are an awesome writer. Keep Going!
vitajenny chapter 41 . 9/20/2012
The only thing weird about the story is that they had no mention of any wedding rings. I wonder why that is? Not that it's necessary for marriage...but usually...
GwennyP89 chapter 41 . 12/24/2011
What a beautiful story...I especially appreciated the fact that you didn't base the whole story on their high school life that was new and refreshing!
Binkybaby chapter 41 . 8/4/2011
I loved it!
Sparrowdaugther chapter 41 . 6/21/2011
One of the most amazing books I've ever read. I loved Mac and Dean, not Jake so much. There were a few mistakes in each chapter but it was fantastic to read.
mybeachhouse chapter 41 . 3/15/2011
Absolutely loved this story to bits! It has been awhile since I found a story like yours that made me love all the characters and anticipating each chapter after another! The thing that gave me the push to read your story further was the fact that I find Dean's fatherly side when he was with Megan really charming and mature. It is not everyday that you can find a good story like this! Well done you, and I am hoping to read more of your work! Don't stop writing as you have a talent for it!
mybeachhouse chapter 25 . 3/14/2011
:D Loving this story so far! :D
Hydie chapter 41 . 1/16/2011
good story. Thank you. :)
3DarkGoddess3 chapter 41 . 1/4/2011
Great story. I loved it. They are so sweet together.
Myst C chapter 1 . 12/25/2010
so far its really good i like lolxz good beginning
maggerdaiser chapter 41 . 12/24/2010
Wow it already ended! What a great story and great characters. I can't wait to read about them in the future.
saladbowl91 chapter 41 . 12/24/2010
u know der r times wen u skip sum chapters of the stories u nread on fictionpress... Well I never did dat wit urs! I remember da times wen u used to take 4ever to update this story! Thnkyou so much! one of the best i have ever read! Been following since u started this!
EmptySh3ll chapter 41 . 12/23/2010
yeah, they won! I loved this story, thank you for producing such a wondrous masterpiece!
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