Reviews for My Odd Love Story
Riley T chapter 20 . 7/20/2010
huh i thought she already would of already met his parents unless they live by themselves
Riley T chapter 19 . 7/20/2010
Finally about time
Riley T chapter 18 . 7/20/2010
haha is going to shower her with like flowers or something
Riley T chapter 17 . 7/20/2010
ben and logan i did not see that coming
Riley T chapter 16 . 7/20/2010
haha aww cute
Riley T chapter 15 . 7/20/2010
ok is seriously ok in the head?
Riley T chapter 14 . 7/20/2010
hahaha oh gosh i knew she would punch him he deserved it
Riley T chapter 13 . 7/20/2010
Ooh who's this gay stalker?
Riley T chapter 12 . 7/20/2010
this is seriously hilarious and i can't wait for more
Riley T chapter 11 . 7/20/2010
right now shes really starting to get on my nerves confess already
Riley T chapter 10 . 7/20/2010
haha she confessed her love for will aww sweet but they seriously need to kiss and shes going to give him a concussion lol
Riley T chapter 9 . 7/20/2010
Riley T chapter 8 . 7/20/2010
aww cute they fell asleep together
Riley T chapter 7 . 7/19/2010
haha well that plan blew up in both their faces
Riley T chapter 6 . 7/19/2010
hmm somthing tell's me Angela doesnt want them to be together just a guess
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