Reviews for Bet You Can't!
MarieAnn chapter 13 . 8/1/2009
Please update soon! I really am enjoying reading this story!
caralene chapter 13 . 7/21/2009
This was a good read. I hope you're not abandoning this though..
Ebony3ssence chapter 13 . 7/18/2009
Aww, I miss the review arrows. I love this story. I cant wait till Tanya and Ky get together. Although I bet that he'll tell her about his brother first and his reason for leaving which I think was because of his bro. I'm not exactly sure. I should reread the chap discussing this. Anyway, I was wondering if Nevada and Jonah, Allison and shane get together. Are you going to write another sequel. This one seems like i'll be done soon unless there's going too be way more drama going on. Anyways, can'y wait till ur update.

mctacos96 chapter 13 . 7/8/2009
This is an amazing story and your a hilarious author! keep it up! I love your style of writing. Please review soon!
lauren chapter 13 . 7/4/2009
wow this story is amazing.

i actually cried for a while, when i was reading it.

.. I hope kyrian isnt a player anymore. I like Tayna alot. I feel bad that she lost the baby yet, that would be aqward when he came back and found out he had a kid?

:( till next chapter!
prfctlyimprfct chapter 1 . 7/2/2009
great story, original-like how its turning out
MiZZ SaHurr chapter 13 . 6/24/2009
Yay! I love DTIA, and I love this too! I can't wait for an update!
AnswerKey chapter 13 . 6/18/2009
I've gotten alerts for this story in my inbox a couple times now, and I've just finished reading it. I really feel like kicking myself. Can't believe I haven't gotten around to reading this.

As always, I love reading your stories. They're all very well written and entertaining. Hope you update soon!
In Love With Your Love chapter 13 . 6/9/2009
Ah! Sorry it took me ages to review this chapter. I am here now, so worry no more! Now I have to wait like everyone else to see what's coming next! :(

ugh. I get car sick all the time! When I was little I couldn't even go to a restaurant without sleeping during the drive b/c I would get dizzy. haha. How lame. Not anymore though! Now I can go AT LEAST and hour or two on a road trip before I have to sleep. :D er. ANYWAY... moving on...

My favorite line from this chapter has to be... "She looks delectable. Of course I can't take my eyes off her." It's closely followed by this one... "The hell you will - he's mine!" hahaha. I love them both.

I can't wait for the wedding! Hopefully nothing will wrong because you CAN'T avoid it! That church better not burn down. And there better not be any crazy ninjas dropping in from the ceiling for reasons unknown! :P

I think you already know that I can't wait for the "truth" either!

I'd totally be the best customer at your coffee shop! Even if I didn't have to study I'd sneak into the rooms just to doodle on the whiteboards! :P

Yeah, yeah. Johnny WOULD scream rape before Ky ever did. lol.

Aww. The fiancé? Sweet! You don't have to poke him... okay, maybe just once! haha. Just kidding.

I get to say this for the first time in this story... Update soon! If I told you it's my birthday (it's not) would you update? *grins*
genesis james chapter 13 . 6/9/2009
hi i just found this story and read it straight through!

i gotta admit, the first couple chapters were a little confusing, but after that it all started coming together. I think this is a great story and you should keep up the good work :)

im sorry about your laptop dying and losing your outline and such :T but keep up the good work! cant wait to see what happens at the wedding!
walkonair chapter 13 . 6/5/2009

If you can't already tell, I'm on a major sugar high!(It's what happens when you drink like 30 cups of caffine tea-all with massive amounts of honey, of course. Dang stupid laryngitis.)

Anyways, the first time I read the chapter, I was super confused by all the different names, but I understood most of them by the second reading :) I guess I'm just really slow today. Otherwise, I can't wait to read the wedding chapter! good luck re-outlining! Sincerely, Walkonair
ShopliftersOFTheWorldUnite chapter 2 . 6/4/2009
I really really like what I've read so far. Of course, I dunno if there is going to be more about high school and and the bets and stuff in the rest of the story, but I hope there is cos I enjoyed those bits - though I liked the present day stuff too!

I guess I'll get back to reading it now! Yay!
In Love With Your Love chapter 12 . 6/3/2009
Okay, first... that sounds like an awesome coffee house! "Closed-off, sound-proof study rooms"? What? & they have whiteboards in them? Awesome! I wish we had one like that here. :D

" was a thousand times easier for me to bury my little brother than it was to lose Tanya!" aaw. Gawd. That's so sad!

"Then you should also know that she hasn't fallen out of love with you yet." I'm with Kyrian on this one... F*ck! Why are things so complicated? Why can't life just be simple. :(

hah. So, I'm listening to some music as I type and the Hinder song, Bliss (I Don't Wanna Know), just started. They just keep singing, "I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know..." BUT I DO WANT TO KNOW! hah. That's so weird. There's so much I want to know! How did Glendon die? Did he die before the move? After? Probably after, since no one knows about it... Why did Ky leave? WTF is going on? :P

"Remember when you told me I had to marry you if you become obese? Well, I still agree to it." Aaw! *hugs Johnny* I seriously heart him! He's willing to marry Tanya (even though he's gay) just so she'll eat something. hahaha. So sweet.

"I myself will probably be out of your life soon..." Noo. Johnny can't say that! They have to be BFFs! Forever is not SOON!

"I never realized that the 'great' Tanya Sanchez would let herself go over a guy. I guess things do change." *gasp* Ooh. No, he didn't! I can see why he said that, though. So, I can't be too mad. He's thinking maybe she'll see it as a bet... or dare... or have a "I'll show him" reaction. ...Yeah. *sigh* I have no idea what I'm going on about here... _

What the hell is up with Johnny's sister? When she first showed up I didn't like her. BUT I decided I would give her a chance. BUT THEN she goes and does THIS. Or. THAT! UGH! She was practically dry-humping poor Ky. He should've screamed RAPE! hahaha.

"He's mine! You're mine." O-M-G. Hold the f'n phone! Did she just say that? SHE JUST SAID THAT! hahahahahahah. YAY! & then she passed out. The end. lol.

hah. WHO WAS THAT? He's funny! I give him my blessing. :P

Hm. He shouldn't worry... I have no mascara tubes anywhere near me. This pencil holder, however, is looking awfully nice! He shouldn't worry about that either, though, since I throw like a girl. The worst I can do is... poke him! *poke* *poke* *poke*
book.babe15 chapter 13 . 6/3/2009
i love this! i can't wait until you update next :)
In Love With Your Love chapter 11 . 6/3/2009
Oh. Wow. That was... wow.

Let's start from the beginning.

Johnny's gay? hahaha. I should've known. I heart him anyways. He's just so awesome like that.

hehe. "Wait! Why don't I do that, while you stay here and cook?" As soon as she said that, I knew it was going to be Kyrian who Johnny was helping.

:D I was like, "HEY! What's wrong with a Civic? There's nothing wrong with Civics." Then after a few moments I realized... I don't drive a Civic. heh.

Soo... what's up with Ky's family? Why did he tense up when Tanya asked about them? hm. Interesting. Very interesting.

ha! Look at me! Lying on the floor laughing my butt off! Their triplets shall be cute. Maybe Angelique can be their godmother! ;)

Oh. Wow. The flashback was so sad. Then after that, it was just... devastating. *whines* Why can't he just tell her? I really- WE really want to know! Okay, okay. We shall find out in time. We'll wait very patiently.
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