Reviews for Bet You Can't!
tiger-lily9240 chapter 12 . 5/14/2009

Love The Stroy Btw!

I Think I've Gone Through Almost All Your Stories

walkonair chapter 12 . 5/11/2009
Sorry I haven't reviewed in AGES! My life got WAY to busy WAY too fast! I'd say this is your best chapter yet. It is way more serious and emotional than any of your previous ones, and I really like it. Keep on writing, and update soon!


PS Hope your modem is working again!
Fallen-Agent chapter 12 . 5/9/2009
I'm just in love with your story and the charachters:) Just LOVE it
groundhog591 chapter 12 . 5/1/2009
Aw...I love it! I wanna read more! I love this story. It entertaining and the flashbacks are really good. They help to explain the story alot. I love how you just let things slip out gradually about the characters. :) Great job!
azlin-enabeh chapter 12 . 4/30/2009
ahh! i love it! update soon please.. how come most of the time Tanya acts like a complete big bitch... lol she's so mean!
clopie chapter 12 . 4/28/2009
I love Kalen. Yo're so lucky lol, he sounds so sweet :)

Anyway, the story :P About time! Fabulous though, but where's the next chapter? ;)
AsakuraX chapter 7 . 4/27/2009
And I feel extra stupid cause I just found out that girls wear corsets and corsages!
u wouldjustbe AWESO without ME chapter 12 . 4/27/2009
please please please please times a million update soon! i HAVE to know what happens next!
shredding-fire chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
This story is really good! Please make Tanya and Ky get togather soon-or just update soon!
bubbly101 chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
so good )

your a wonderful writer that keeps us wanting more

plus it is very humerous

update asap

fieldhockeyluver25 chapter 8 . 4/26/2009
haha... i loved this chapter! thank you so much for being such an amazing author! Ky is like my new favorite person ever... he's so funny! i'm kind of confused as to why Ky and Tanya hate each other. Is it because he had sex with her and then just left? cuz that's what i thought, but i'm not sure.
ShayLa X CailLat chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
omg! this is so good! please please PLEASE update quickly!
Light Hearted chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
K so I love the chapter, but I don't get y Ky screamed "fuck" when Aria said that Tanya was still in love with him

Second, love this story please hurry with next update

And third, your fiance is very funny, kuddos on snagging him
TwinkleHeart chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
AsakuraX chapter 12 . 4/26/2009
This is getting really awesome! I'm so anxious waiting on more...I would tell u to rush to write the next one, but that might make the writing less than the perfection you've been writing, so take your time!
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