Reviews for Fatal Attraction
ZombiesHooray chapter 9 . 3/25/2009

i re-read it. again.

you are amazing. and this ending is amazing. and makes me cry. i love you. love love love love.
Haley Jean chapter 24 . 3/24/2009
I am so happy to have found this story when I did! I finished reading the entire thing in a day. I'm kind of proud of myself. (

Anyway, back to the story. It was absolutely adorable and the pacing was perfect! Sometimes I doubted the Engima's intentions but at the same time, my heart pitied the guy. Although, I have a feeling he could care less of what I think of him. : I loved the way Enigma talked and that arrogant swagger he had. I loved how Taylor seemed relatable (did I just make up a word?) as well as the many hurdles she had to overcome, she definitely deserves her happy ending!(

Also, a small typo!"...bedroom and quickly through on pajamas. "

It should be: "...bedroom and quickly threw on pajamas. "

I don't mean to nit-pick your story, but I just wanted to point it out. :P & This is a definate favorite! Keep writing, you have a a certain flair for it.
Rain-and-Thunder chapter 24 . 3/24/2009
This chapter had a really sweet ending. I was almost sure Taylor would never see the Enigma again. Then to have him suddenly appear beside her...priceless. lol
Stelle del Mare chapter 24 . 3/24/2009
Loved it :)
greensmiles chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
I LOVED IT! you are such a good writer, you should get this published :D
tffny012 chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
I love the ending! LOVE IT!

it's perfect.
theslykit chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
fantastic ending! really loved this story!
aureliasilver chapter 23 . 3/23/2009
Good ending. Sad to see it over. Bravo on finishing :)
ZombiesHooray chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
fuck i love you.

i was so so so sad when i thought, just maybe, that the two would end up apart. but you didn't disappoint, didn't disappoint.

god. great ending. and I am reading saving smiles, and now that there will be an appearance by these two, I will definitely check up on it.

again. you are...possibly my favorite person ever. I die while reading this. you slay me.

keep writing. if you write a new story, you better be god damn sure I will read it. you are a great author and I think that you are extremely talented. keep writing! as long as you do, you will keep killing me!

Twist Their Emotions chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
Love it! Great story, sad to see it end. This was incredibly touching and sweet, and though I know you didn't follow the original cross with other story plan, I liked it none the less. You have a real talent with setting the tone and mood and really getting your reader absorbed. I loved the detail, the complex characters, vivid setting, and plot- which alternated between fast-paced and calm smoothly and naturally. Great read and I hope to see more of you in the future!
I'm the Evil Twin chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
I loved it! Sequel?
pinkeclipse chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
geminibaby6789 chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
Wow! Great story! Great ending! Love it! Thanks for all your hard input to this story! :) Until next time!
failwithpride chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
it was amazing...i loved it!
Julia Nathan chapter 24 . 3/23/2009
YAY!HAPPY ENDING! I so wasn't expecting this to end well, I men he's a villian! Oh well, he's not the avreage criminal now is he? *sighs* I'm so happy but yet so sad, you created a wonderful story it's over!
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