Reviews for Fatal Attraction
Ice Bubble chapter 2 . 7/7/2011
I love how the enigma talks. With little pauses and emphasis on some words. Very intriguing.
Ice Bubble chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
Oh, so this is Taylor.
The Imagination Addict chapter 14 . 6/14/2011
hmm it actually makes a lot of sense that it would be a psychologist who becomes fascinated with the Enigma, cos he's a personality who hasn't been understood by anyone.
The Imagination Addict chapter 9 . 6/14/2011
this story is really gripping n fascinating. i checked it out bcos i was hoping it was a fantasy story. of course, by the first chpt, i knew the Enigma was human, biologically, but somehow, although im not very into villain stories, i cant put this down. it's the way u write, n ur characters that intrigue me.
konichiwa2u chapter 24 . 6/7/2011
Wow! I absolutely just love it! I feel like bursting of happiness and I can't wait to read the sequel! I would but then it's 5:26 A.M. right now and I have to sleep because I'm going to have to garden in about like an hour or two because when the sun comes up it gets very hot so we have to do it very early. Gosh, now I fell like an idiot for having to type all this unimportant stuff. Anyways, fantastic story! You're a wonderful author! Continue writing your wonderful stories because I'll be reading them! Fighting!
SometimesG chapter 24 . 6/4/2011
I enjoyed this story - dark and different and totally wicked. It's a different kind of relationship, and you made it unique with your own stamp of terror, love, pain and caring. The Enigma's personality is interesting, and though he appears to care for Taylor, he is most concerned about his survival, his needs, his victory over the city, the others, and ironically, over her.

The mental and emotional undertones are also interesting to dissect, and makes their co-dependency work well, if not tragically. A very good read~
hollywood920 chapter 25 . 3/14/2011
I fell in love with this story! The Enigma has so much character, so much personality and I love reading about him! All of the characters, even comissioner Balton are so well described that I have a precise picture of them in my mind! Loved Loved Loved!
AJS chapter 25 . 3/8/2011
I'm slightly confused. Your note says that you left off when they were being arrested at a Christmas party, but I never read such a scene in this story. I'm very interested in the sequel and I'll go check it out.

I really like this story. I think it was slightly fluffy in that she just accepted everything really easily. I also think you should have focused on certain points more, like how she felt or what she saw when she took off his face paint. You kind of just skipped over that. And it probably would have made more sense if parts of it were darker, though I suppose that's what the sequel is for. I also think he became obsessed with her too quickly. I'm not sure if the transition between that was very smooth, and I think that's part of the reason why it felt like she just accepted everything too easily.

I love the way he talks though. And I love his real name. Jace. Though I can't imagine it at all. To me he is still the Enigma. The thing I can't get over is that his teeth are yellow and she kisses him so much. Doesn't that feel a bit unhygenic? Haha.

Off to read the sequel! I actually marked a lot of your stories to read. :)

- Alyssa
Cynthia chapter 1 . 2/27/2011
Hello! I don't normally review (I know, I suck) but for you and this story I feel like I need to.

I love it, and I love the Enigma I think more than any other Villian... there's just something about the bad guys and this is amazing. I like how you write him and his relationship with Taylor.

You're an amazing writer, and I believe I'll spend some time on your page :)

Munchy chapter 2 . 2/13/2011
I'm surprised thins story is on fictionpress instead of fanfiction because the characters are so obviously from Batman. Enigma is Joker just like in the Dark Knight movie. You didn't even change the physical appearance! painted face...oh and adding the "ah" in speech is just like Ledgers delivery.

You can right, and I think you can add a much more original touch to the story.
Arrdee chapter 25 . 2/3/2011
I'm pretty sure this review has come in at the latest of times, but hey! Better late then never right? Anyway... I've just wanted to tell you that this is my absolute favourite story on the whole of fictionpress period! This is my number one!

I love how original the storyline is and the plot just seems to go on great without skipping a beat! Fantastic stuff I tell you! And oh don't get me started on the characters lol. I devoured this whole story about three times over and sometimes I just jump at random chapters XD. Just wanted to let you know that this is one of the most freggin'fantastic reads that I've had the pleasure to ever come across.

I don't think I'll forget this story for the longest time. You rock! Take care!

Madam Vendetta chapter 25 . 1/7/2011
... RHAT WAS REALLY GOOD!The characters were... somewhat believable, the plot was totally unreal (in a good way), and the enigma did't "regret everything he's done" some writers do that in stories like these and it SUCKS.

clairey chapter 1 . 12/19/2010
I utterly utterly LOVED this story. So fluck if certain characters were alike those from a movie. Hello! You very rarely come across original characters/stories/movies these days! I ned to find more stories like this!
Bipolarised chapter 25 . 10/9/2010

well, i am slowly reading through your stories because i really like your style of writing and story plots.

and i really enjoyed reading this story in particular! last week i was in a lecture about psychopathy and reading your story now, the enigma just fit the profile of a psychopath so well! its just fantastic how you built his character for solidly, i really admired that.

have you considered publishing? because your stories are really good.

now, i shall move into the sequal!

XGemiiX chapter 1 . 7/14/2010
I have read alot of stories here and yours in one of a handful that is really memorable. You took a subject that not to maney people can write on and make it well...worth reading. Yes your character resembles the joker but as i started reading i didnt think of him that way for the most part I saw him as The Enigma. (the only thing that kept making me thing of him was the facial scars...mabe if they were on another part of his body?) but anyway i applaud your writing and really look forward to you possibly doing more stories with Taylor and The Enigma in the future. :)
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