Reviews for Fatal Attraction
Mags2110 chapter 2 . 7/4/2010
The only thing I can tell that I'm NOT going to like about this story is how alike your villian is to the Joker (as so many of your readers have complained about...).


But I will try to look past that.
Mags2110 chapter 1 . 7/4/2010
All I have to say is thank you...for using murky as a descriptive eye color. Thank God it wasn't "bright, dazzling, radiant, emerald...etc. Sigh. Murky makes me happy.

I know, I'm weird.

So far, I'm liking the story.
Shrav chapter 1 . 6/29/2010
Dude, I read the first paragraph and then the lil summary.. This thing SCREAMS Batman! Like, really now.. Shadow - Batman, Engima - Joker (although the Riddler's name was Eddie Nigma) and the chick is Harleen Quinzel.. Harlequin.. I feel like this is completely obvious.. *wears Captain Obvious sign*

But really now...
NightBlossom chapter 5 . 6/19/2010
I'll confess that I'm guilty of looking up my horoscope too. Not the daily horoscopes because those are a bunch of crock and made vague enough to fit the events of your day, but the overall personality characterization. I'm a pretty steadfast Scorpio.

Btw, I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but the piece she plays on itunes is Fur Elise with the 2 dots over the 'u'. It's German, translating into For Elise. I love playing that piece on the piano.
NightBlossom chapter 2 . 6/19/2010
Very promising! I like the creepy quality that The Enigma has but it wouldn't come across quite so well to a person who hasn't seen Heath Ledger in all his glorious action. Thankfully, I've seen the movie 3 times so my imagining of the Enigma isn't lacking.
TwilightStarss chapter 24 . 4/13/2010
I loved every min of this story! AMAZING JOB! :D
TwilightStarss chapter 10 . 4/13/2010
wow. I adore this story! I've never read a story focused on the villian..and i love it! You have created a fascinating character! And I love that he's wearing red converse shoes! I never pictured a villian wearing those kind of shoes. And I have to admit that I would go with him too! haha. great job! I'm reading this instead of doing my term paper, cause I can't stop reading it. lol. :)
Revel in the Night chapter 24 . 3/7/2010
Fatal attraction indeed. Wow. D

- Revel in the Night
Belinda21 chapter 4 . 2/26/2010
hehe, that's my birthday too! :O thats pretty cool.

and yes, being a capricorn, i can relate to him. when capricorns go crazy, we're organized about it :D XD

love the story so far ;D
Jessie Wulf chapter 11 . 2/19/2010
I gotta say, this story is interesting. And Enigma reminds me of The Joker in Batman. Fun times, fun times..
ShadowHeHaHo-deleted chapter 2 . 2/18/2010
Jesus Christmas, the Enigma is exactly like the Joker in TDK. Please be original.
Analie Prisca chapter 6 . 1/21/2010
Wow the Enigma is certainly...enigmatic. Haha. His character is so alluring and it seems like he's found his other half in Taylor, even though they have this love/hate relationship. Loving this story so much! This is my favourite chapter. You made them come to life. I can't wait to read the sequel.


Astarael-11 chapter 24 . 1/20/2010
Um, wow, I'm pretty much speechless at the moment. This story was freaking amazing.

I know that the Enigma was based on the joker but I loved how you humanised him instead of just making him a criminal. I have to say that the Enigma was probably one of the most fascinating characters to read about as well. I especially loved how he didn't suddenly become good again just because he fell in love with Taylor, it was quite realistic.

Anyway, I just have to say, yet again, that I love your writing style and think it's really good. I really enjoyed this story, I couldn't stop reading it :)
I Dance In The Rain chapter 8 . 1/7/2010
Okay so I must admit, I was a little skeptical at first of reading this story because its pretty much a different take of The Dark Knight and that has been pretty much Heath Ledger's best role in his career and also the best Batman movie. But I must say I absolutely love it. Ha. After chapter two I was like wow this is getting good. A girl falling in love with the Joker. GROSS but intriguing haha. I could never imagine kissing a guy with paint on his face and yellow teeth and greesy hair. Just ew. Hygiene is important! Haha. But yeah, I completely love this so awesome job!
Annie chapter 1 . 1/6/2010
This is like Joker & Harley Quinn, right? Interesting; I'll read on.
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