Reviews for Monologue: Christian
whatdotheydream chapter 1 . 12/14/2013
What I hate is that people automatically assume that I'm a homophobe, just because I'm Christain. It's like "NO, I am an EXTREME believer/supporter in/of gay rights, THANK YOU VERY MUCH." And I will defy anyone who says otherwise! Of course I also hate it when another christain tells me I'm not christain because I do. I mean, God is my judge, not them. And just because THEY'RE homophobic doesn't mean I have to be.
Li Aiko chapter 1 . 1/29/2009
That's beautiful. It's so nice to hear a voice of reason for the first time in a long time. I understand what you're talking about.

While my relationship with Jesus isn't as strong as I'd like it to be (yet), I wanted to finish my life by hypothermia. And I turned on the cold water in the shower and sat there, until I remembered He made me, He saved me, and He has a purpose for me even now. And I had no right to just throw that away.

God bless you.
narutoschidori chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
beautiful work. very strong and clear emotions. well written, and this would be wonderful to see in action. great job.~
FuckMeAlice chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
It's really good to find a piece about religion that gets to the point and is written by someone who stands up for themselves. As a former Catholic, I can all too clearly relate to what you're going through, and I wish you the best. Don't let them get to you, especially when you're talking about hot-button issues. You're entitled to your opinion and your faith as much as the next person, and you shouldn't have to compromise that just so someone else can walk all over you. That's what the term 'free country' is all about.

But I'm getting off-topic. Good monologue!

Pay it forward!

Radioactive Jeans chapter 1 . 1/3/2009
I know exactly what your character meant. They're free to talk about their beliefs AND trash yours, but YOU'RE not allowed to trash what THEY believe in.

But then again, humans are generally scared to hear other sides, so I guess I sort of understand that. But still. That doesn't mean that it's okay for you to trash my God, right in front of my face. Okay, let's say He's not real. So what? I stand by something, and that includes my feelings. If you don't believe in God, spare the person's feelings instead. Be humane in that way.

Whew. Okay. I never meant to have a mini rant. Anyway. I think you did a very fine job of portraying what you felt. What was vivid for me was how the character was practically dodging the other side of why she was so angry. She didn't want the despair that she was saved from to be known. I really liked that. :)
faienceface chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
it's nice to hear from a different perspective. (definite agnostic here!) we all have the right to express ourselves however we see fit. you stand up for your beliefs, i stand up for mine, they stand up for theirs, we're all happy.

nice essay. on the internet, it's easy to be anti-religious cuz everyone agrees with you. it's just a good reminder to anybody who doesn't like religion that there are people behind the bible quotes and fish and stuff.
likearussiandoll chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
I like the fact that you are standing up for what you believe in. I think it's okay to get upset when someone talks like that. I have one question for you though, what do you say when someone tries to force their religion on you without trashtalking your own religion?