Reviews for Adopted Mafia ReDux
priscus-aoife chapter 9 . 3/16/2009
This is an awesome story! I really want to know what happened to her when she got kidnapped, and where she goes when she goes off by herself!

I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Arabea chapter 9 . 3/15/2009
Oh...well...sometimes they do it just becuase they're cranky. I meant that as like a first impression kind of thing. The part with Riley's drugged-up brother was rather interesting. I thought Payton's line about dislodging his hands from his arms was pretty badass. )
LittleWolfPup chapter 8 . 3/14/2009
adopted mafia is really good I haven't ever read the first one but that dosn't really matter seeing as how this one is u update soon.
Georgia chapter 8 . 3/5/2009
I love this story! XD XD XD its so freak'n awesome! you are a really great writer, please please keep writing!
Arabea chapter 8 . 3/3/2009
Psh - who DOESN'T love Pirates of the Caribbean? Come on! lol. Cats have killer instincts. Usually, if they bite somebody, it's cuz they're bad. 0_o
Arabea chapter 7 . 2/24/2009
I know, right? They're meanie butts. lol. Cliffie! I hate them! But I am intrigued! Update soon!
Arabea chapter 6 . 1/29/2009
SOMEbody's paranoid. lol. Good chapter.
animejerk chapter 5 . 1/27/2009
i have this problem too day dreaming farther without putting it down its a pain but its interesting as long you rember wheat happens and all lol, but whaat would have made more interesting if they both got drunk and slept with each other and have the cat be all like eaking her up spolied damn cat then look a tcloack then see a hand around her waist then taking a gun under her pillow or somthing like that thats my appenain anyway
Arabea chapter 5 . 1/25/2009
Good chapter! You're on a roll today, aren't you? lol. Two different stories updated. I so see where the story is going...i think. *shrugs* Yeah, I'm probably wrong.
Arabea chapter 3 . 1/17/2009
Uh, how the frick did she get a bullet wound? An explanation would be lovely, please and thank you. Other than that, good chapter.
Arabea chapter 2 . 1/1/2009
I never read the first one (sorry!), so I have nothing to compare it to. This one is good, though. Interesting. O! Now I get my name in BOLD. Sweet. I am so special. lol.
Viking Berserker chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
I've never seen a woman in a stituation like this before and I have to say its quite refreshing. She reminds me of my wife in too many ways, quite scary I must say and her friend Waters is a good secondary character that has alot of underlying potential. Keep writing.
moongazer7 chapter 1 . 12/31/2008
Hello Lostinthenightrain

It’s good, and I like how you do slip in descriptions of the characters. I think that’s pretty good. To make it even better, I suggest you did tell people what the characters when introduced. At one point when she entered that room I was confused at who was who and who they were. Also, I caught the net speak WTF. Your story is excellent and it was definitely shocking to see it in there. Perhaps use another word to describe the look.

Correcting these details will benefit you by making your writing more professional and smooth. Readers like a good read that is not confusing and I am sure you want readers.

Arabea chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Cool! Can't wait for the next chapter. You got that re-write posted quick. lol
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