Reviews for Her Eyes, His Smile
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 11 . 7/3/2009
Only 400? Okay... LOl.

Great chapter. Everyones rich! Wow. Crazy, I want to be rich. I still kinda dont get how Wynns sight works. Is it like looking through a little circle in a black piece of paper? Maybe you should make it more clear when she looks at things, if that makes sense. Why is she avoiding Tristan? She cant do that! Thats mean. Although I did like your uncliche way of him telling her a while back, and how her reaction was unexpected :)

Update soon :D
Megumi Tsukazu chapter 10 . 7/3/2009
I liked it! Poor Tristan...I truly feel for him. Those other wolves weren't werewolves were they?
nagasasu previously anon chapter 10 . 6/29/2009
Thank you for replying to my review!

And (squee!) this was the chapter I've been so eagerly awaiting! The truth is out! I felt really bad for poor Tristan as Wynn freaked out; all the insults she hurled at him has got to hurt. And that last line! I wanted to shake Wynn at that point and knock some sense into her. Although her reaction was totally understandable, I'd be freaked out too. I really hope Tristan is able to sort things out with Wynn next chapter! By the way, I really enjoyed the scene where Wynn looks up and there's Tristan covered in blood. It was very vivid and cinematic!

Lovely chapter, and eagerly awaiting the next!
Stooped chapter 10 . 6/28/2009
I love this! Poor Tristan! Poor, poor him. Sigh. UPDATE QUICKLY!
kris89 chapter 10 . 6/28/2009
i really feel sorry for him now. i hope he does something in the next chapters.
Julia Celeste chapter 10 . 6/28/2009
well now i'm just depressed. keep up the good work. i really hope she forgives him soon. i just wanna give poor tristan a huge hug right now. chapter 10 . 6/28/2009
well i just finished reading the tenth chapter. and to tell you the truth I LOVED IT! and seeing as i'm reviewing this story means a lot because i basically never review a story unless it will be a very vital part in my future and I believe this story has made it. so congradulations to you. but othr than that I hope you update soon.



i cant believe you quoted Spongebob )
Amber chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
I hate to see Tristan so sad. I really like him. I'm confused about something though. How does Wynn describe things so well if she's blind? She knows her friend has blonde hair even though she can't see. I'm confuzzed.
Yggdrasil Oak chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
Yay! This chapter was so exciting! I can't wait to see what happens next... she can't stay mad at him forever... can she?
XxCaptainKoalaxX chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
Interesting...Cant wait till u update! P
Nyca chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
aww. it's sad that Tristan cried. It made me want to cry too! x)) argh, if a guy tells me that he's a half-vampire half-werewolf, urgh, i would still react the same way...yes I am bad. haha. I'm so excited for your next chapter! cant wait! CANT WAIT! CANT WAIT! :))
Eipur chapter 10 . 6/27/2009
so heartbeaking! *sobs* i need more! :)
Katherine-the-greate chapter 10 . 6/26/2009
Yay. Tristan's soft side :D *hearts and flowers* yay. THis was a wonderful chapter. the lengeth was great and I really enjoyed reading it. thanks for posting.
HighOnBrokenWings chapter 10 . 6/26/2009
Wow, the secret is out. I never would have guessed, that is, if it hadnt been you summary :D Very good chapter, lovely and dramatic!
I Quoth Nevermore chapter 9 . 6/23/2009
Brilliant. M...Tristan. Yum. haha. Werewolf, I presume? Or something else... Anyway, update soon!
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