Reviews for Raves and Rebels
Immortal3lla chapter 15 . 2/20/2014
ohh i hope robert doesnt panic when kris confesses! sigh. and i hope robert finds out about vick that no good grrr!
Immortal3lla chapter 14 . 2/20/2014
hey love the story.! kris and robert makes me smile! and ur bullies are grrrrr! in a good way lol. anyway just wanted to leave a review even though its wayyy late cas i love the story!
brightshadow4494 chapter 23 . 10/19/2012
Omg I love this story! I'm super glad this was the first story I read on fictionpress. I really hope you haven't forgotten about
it or anything cuz it's super cute and I need mir kris/robert fluff! So please write more!
Doctor Demon Yaoi-Sama chapter 23 . 8/25/2012
omg, this was my very first story before i got an account. i left off on karoke and now that i finally got to this point, i feel happy! You have given my life more meaning with this. Also weirdly, when i searched this, it didn't pop up but now it did YAY ME!
lalaleasha chapter 22 . 3/15/2012
Why haven't you updated since July? :'( really saddening to see no updates I really loved this story and it sucks to see it be uncompleted. Hope you update a big fan.
nookybooky chapter 23 . 7/29/2011
Alright, I am going to get a bomb and find you if you don't post the next chapter within 24 hours because I have been waiiiiiiting forever for you to update. Please update?
Elizabeth K chapter 23 . 7/11/2011
I truly enjoy reading this story. Your characters have such great personalites, they are so amusing to read.

I do, however have little suggestions for you to look for when you're writing:

1)"L-l-l-l-l-ine b-b-b-b-reak" That, to me, was unnecessary. Because when you read it from the paragraph before & after it, the story still flows. As well as when "C.H.E.E.E.E.E.E.Y.A.A.A.A.A.H.H.H.H.H.H" appears. Plus it's distracting to a reader.

2)Because your story is in 3rd person, why add the reader into the story? They are basically in the background watching from afar. For example, "Friday, after school, anyone and everyone was there at the mall. Yes, even you were there." & "If you can't guess already, our favorite boys were part of the group sitting..." Try and stay consistant with the point of view.

And above all, continue to with this amazing story you have! It's really a favorite of mine.
OliviaLanae chapter 21 . 7/10/2011
Okay. So. At 9 am I started reading this story. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to like it. It is now 2:55 in the morning and I just finished reading it. I am SO in love with this! Its ridiculous. I think I'm going to die. I need more! You've drugged me with your epic writing. Not that I'm complaning.

Just write more asap. Please.

Kadrienne chapter 23 . 7/10/2011
This is my first time on fiction press I'm usually on fanfiction but I wanted to read something tht wasn't things or characters from a show:) and I'm a romantic so I went here and I saw ur story:) I stayed up till five to read it then read the last chapter this morning and it's perfect! I can't find anything wrong wit the story! I like tht Robert is the rebel but he has a giant soft spot for kris:) oh and I adore Kris he's sweet and shy wit Rob at first:) cnt wait for more
cratermaker chapter 23 . 7/7/2011
YAAY! AN UPDATE! Not too long after my birthday, too! :D -rolls around and around hugging plushies of the characters- I'm happy, can you tell?
bridgettblah chapter 23 . 7/7/2011
:o How'd you know I was at the mall? I was rockin out to the music, and chasing the mall cops...XD Hehe. Yeaaa.

Im glad you listened to me and posed another chapter...I was about to send another 'love' note. :D Hehe. Gawshh...I love Kris :D Ijust wanna hug 'em and squeeze 'em and love 'em...:] Teehee. I lovve Robiiieeee tooo! Dont doubt me! I love them the same! I do! Anywhoooo...More, soooon!
cratermaker chapter 22 . 5/13/2011
Blah, it wouldn't let me log in in the box. -growls- Aaaanywaay..

Sorry I haven't reviewed; I've been BUUUUUUUUSY. As an explanation: I graduate on Sunday. 'Nuf sed. Anywhoozle, THEY ARE PRECIOUS. I LOVE MY ADORABLE BOYS. And I want you to review speedily. SPEEDILY.
GrumpyFace chapter 22 . 5/3/2011
Love the story, hope you continue soon!
Maddening March chapter 22 . 4/17/2011
YOU... POST NEW CHAPTER NOW! I DID NOT SPEND 1 and 1/2 hours reading for nothing! and btw, I really like the story and Kris reminds me of my crazy raver friend so I is happy. And I like the randomness of the teachers... makes me wish I was there, and I would be singing gaga songs with Andres and I will purposely switch Ghost's coffee with alcohol and generally mess with all the teachers there and then blame it on some poor unsuspecting classmate. And Yes I do expect another update in the next two days or else... hey by the way, have you seen the 'Blair Witch Project'? Cuz I am that good.
OrangeJuice190 chapter 22 . 3/29/2011
I like this story.

It has...a certain something. Can't put my finger on it.

Would've reviewed every chapter, but my mouse is being weird and going straight to the next chapter. Weird, eh?

Kudos to you on the awesome story.

Jealous of your writing skills.

Keep up the good work!

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