Reviews for Once Upon A Nightmare
wolfgang.durand chapter 8 . 5/27/2014
The "perfect french" is incorrect :
you wrote " j'ai peur non, cherie" wich seem a bad word to word translation, and lack an accent (chérie)
something a bit better would be "j'ai peur que non, ma chère" althought still ackward
i would advise "malheureusement non, ma chère"
TheMobBunny chapter 6 . 5/19/2014
love it!
Kenneth.t.Cooper chapter 24 . 4/29/2014
Told you I'd finfish it!
Kenneth.t.Cooper chapter 10 . 4/28/2014
So. Still as enthralling as the first time I read it and I still hate having to leave the computer... However, duty calls and I'll be damned if I don't finish this...
Veronica A Hart chapter 1 . 4/25/2014
I leave you alone for a few months and you redo the entire story? Not that I'm upset- I get to read all of it again! Mwah haha ha!...Er, I mean... awesome? To be honest, I wouldn't have noticed, but you posted the sequel and I remembered how much I liked your writing. (After I recognized your pen name, that is.)

Your writing style is really different now. I like it!

Formerly Fullmoon'sCatElf
Kenneth.t.Cooper chapter 1 . 4/16/2014
As good as the first time I read it. I haven't been on in three years and FP won't let me back into my original account. I started "Fantasms of the Preternatural" as Lonzo. I guess joining the US Navy will keep one away from the computer and keyboard... I'm (hopefully temporarily) under the name of SA Cooper, K. T. USN.
regbaby chapter 13 . 3/11/2014
I'm pleased to contact you after viewing your
profile, I would like to share something important with you if pleased do get back to me immediately at
my private box () for a proper introduction for i have a limited time now
I will be waiting to hear from you soon.
Kikinii chapter 23 . 3/5/2014
:/ I feel like you slightly butchered this story from what it used to be. I hope you kept a copy of the original pages of this story because this new version that you wrote isnt nearly as good... The romance is sloppy and rushed in this version, Alexander and Armand arent as cool... And then you killed off gloom which is just sad... What happened to that fruit that violet ate that would play off of her emotions and make her act strange... Or the insinuated romance between her and alexander with armand thrown into the mix? Or when violet fitst met Alexanders dad and mom and she tried making alexander tell them who she really was? (That part was hilarious) I barely laughed during this new re read ( maybe chuckled twice) and idk I kind of dont even want to read past this chapter because its all just bleh. I do hope you at least kept the original copy of this story, it used to be one of my favorites.
Kikinii chapter 2 . 2/28/2014
I like your old, original chapters better... They were more fun. :(
Angels Have Faith chapter 1 . 2/22/2014
sounds interesting, will read it.
some reader chapter 1 . 2/19/2014
Holy shit. I preferred reading your book over the one I'm assigned to read in English right now (sorry Crime and Punishment, I'll come for you later), and this was a read I couldn't put down. I haven't felt the magic that I felt while reading for a very long time, and this was truly amazing. You created an entirely new world with new technology and concepts that I've fell completely in love with and really wish to live in.

It's only been in the back of my mind until now, but I think you've just inspired me to write my own stories now. Thank you so much for writing this piece. It was very, very magical.
anon chapter 24 . 1/30/2014
I love it :D
CocoBunni96 chapter 25 . 1/19/2014
*sobs because that was amazing*
Meli Sand chapter 24 . 1/12/2014
This is beautiful. I'm in love. Like, I can't find words for it. Every character was so unique, and I couldn't hate a single one of them. Gloom was my favorite; that scene was heartbreaking. Don't even get me started on the plot. Each revelation was like a punch in my gut-a good one, if that even exists. Definitely, definitely reading the sequel. You should let us know if you ever manage to release a print version. XD Keep writing your wonderful stories.
BrookV chapter 1 . 1/2/2014
I just want you to know how glad I clicked on your story! You never know whether a book's quality is great with just the summaries, especially this site being mostly amateur writers. You took me on such an emotional rollercoaster, and there was never a point in the story that I thought that a character was annoying. Although Donovan was a dick, he still belonged, and character development is a huge thing for me. Not to be a total gusher or anything, I just think you should know that it was such a jem to read, and I can't thank you enough for following through and ending it so well! It makes me cringe when I find a good story and the author doesn't finish it. Just one question though, is Violet's inner flame her connection to Alexander, or is it her livelihood. I had a bit of trouble piecing that out. Thanks again :)
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