Reviews for Movie Alley
starry123 chapter 16 . 8/11/2014
Dear author,

I just finished reading your story ' Movie Alley'. I'm not quite sure if chapter 16 was the end or not but you captured my attention throughout all 16 chapters. I really felt the emotions and feelings throughout the entire story. I loved the 'geekiest moment' part and the ' what do you ever learn from movies' part. I do hope you continue on with the story to make an ending.
Mon7y chapter 16 . 8/23/2009
i really like this story, i think its because its not just a cliche. And most of the top 5 lists have at least 2 of the songs that i love. awesome story it'll be cool to see where you are going to go with it.
Ryane Silvernow chapter 16 . 7/11/2009
Yay for the update! I thought that the story was going to end, but I'm happy it didn't...Hopefully thy updates shall continue and may you be cured from writer's block if needed...
A.C.Killeaney chapter 16 . 7/10/2009
Please tell me you don't actually like the Twilight books. I would think some one as well versed in classic literature and movies would know a bad story when they saw it.

I have to say I love this story, because of all the references that not every one can get. Please keep writing and referencing cult classics.
hostilitywolf chapter 16 . 7/10/2009
if you gave us all our own brandons then we wouldn't be here reading this. Be a rebel don't give into their demands. hahaha. love the story keep it up :D
Evanescence's Love chapter 16 . 7/10/2009
You finally updated!

You kept us waiting...

But I forgive you...
music is my weakness chapter 16 . 7/10/2009
EK a new update! I love the whole twilight thing, personally, because me and my friends go on rants like that a lot. The whole chapter was great...funny and drama! lol perfect mix. Please update soon?
SimplyDevine chapter 16 . 7/10/2009
I loved it! I really did, Fear and Loathing is one of my all time faourite movies as well!

I don't know if I have ever review for this story before, if I haven't then I am truly sorry.

I do really love this story as well as Brandon and Taylor.

The way they interactis really cool and funny.

The things they get up to in the shop lol I'd love to work there!

Seriously though, I really love this story and I will probs tell you that every time I revew from now on lol.

Please up date soon!

A Cookie For A Kiss ...
evicecilia chapter 11 . 4/15/2009

you put in lacrosse!i love this story by the way!
Ryane Silvernow chapter 15 . 4/9/2009
Don't give up on this story! I love it! Seriously though, I will send Darth Vader and gnomes after you... Brandon's me fave character, just saying. Anyways, chpt.15 was freakin hilarious with Brandon at the end... Please keep updating!
Rae Kitano chapter 15 . 4/8/2009
Well I thank Paige also for encouraging you to write this chapter. Nicely written. I do hope there is more or maybe something new. Time will tell.

sarcasm is my middle name chapter 15 . 4/7/2009
Okay... so being lustful can get your voice back? Wow... (jks, jks) Great chapter, sid sux!
Harlee Rae chapter 15 . 4/7/2009
i love it! write more and so sweet lea and han hahahaha
music is my weakness chapter 15 . 4/7/2009
haha this chapter made me laugh! I love it :D (and I am very thankful for your friend, I don't want this story to end!)You are a great writer and I hope your inspiration holds! :D
Narcissa Spectre chapter 15 . 4/7/2009
i want you to know, that by the end, Jizz in My Pants had gotten stuck in my head, because that's what I thought Brandon was going to do. Majorly.

and, that I feel special now, because of the forenote _
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