Reviews for Wild Rose: Part I
Guest chapter 1 . 2/13/2023
Do you visit Wikia/Fandom? If you do how about you visit Wiki like the Love Interest Wikia, Shipping Wikia, The Fanon shipping Wikia etc? Wikia is also called Wiki due to Wikia is a Wiki like Wikipedia is a Wiki. You can do thing for it like make gifs, add images to categories, create pages, etc.
knockmeoffmyfeet chapter 1 . 6/27/2022
Hi! I would like to invite you to join our platform to present a good quality story to our readers! Send me a message if this offer piqued your interest!
Guest chapter 43 . 4/10/2022
I really was hoping that Reagan would not die. Wow.. I can't wait to read more
Angie chapter 43 . 3/23/2022
Oh man! So I’m assuming Reagan either disappeared and ran away from his responsibilities or he ran into some trouble and is now deceased. Rose did jump from Richard to Reagan pretty quickly, so I guess it was time to revisit their relationship. Just sucks Reagan had to be out of the picture for it to happen. I say keep writing it as Wild Rose, rather than starting a new story. Just post again soon!
Angie chapter 42 . 3/21/2022
Finally! I think Reagan had a nervous breakdown, he committed suicide, they’re getting a divorce, or Rose found out who her father is. Or maybe Rose miscarried? Gah it’s killing me.
Xoder chapter 39 . 3/21/2022
I am always a fan of stand alone. However, in this case I think you should start a Part 2. That way if you decided to make it into a book, you already have it divided. Plus since you normally are use to doing shorter chapters maybe you will feel the vibes to do another 20 ( or maybe 30 (winks ) (winks) ) chapters with this story if you do a part 2

Just my thought. Anything you decide will be greatly appreciated :)
Xoder chapter 37 . 3/21/2022
I am so invested in this story. Love it !
Xoder chapter 42 . 3/20/2022
Haven't even read the update as yet. I haven't been on fictionpress for over5 years. Saw that you updated this story and had to tell tell you thank you for the update. I love your stories.

Now to actually read it. I know it will be fantastic !
PatGo chapter 1 . 4/22/2021
Please publish your work on NovelStar. For sure a lot of readers will love your work. There are also a lot of talented writers in the platform that you might want to work with.
AvegaLil chapter 1 . 4/19/2021
Amazing book and storyline; If you have some great stories like this one, you can publish it on Novel Star, just submit your story to or
Guest chapter 41 . 9/27/2020
Great update, I am glad that they talked
Anj chapter 40 . 9/21/2020
Something tells me Rose is going to find herself caught between the two brothers again, emotionally. She was quick to redirect her affections to Reagan, without giving Richard a chance to change, and now that he has, she’s looking like she’s feeling guilty and regretting moving so fast. I keep thinking Reagan will either go missing or he died, and Rose has to move on and Richard will step in to take his place.
Guest chapter 40 . 9/18/2020
Please don't kill Reagan
Anj chapter 39 . 9/9/2020
Thank you for giving Richard a character arc. Stories are so boring when someone is just selfish for the sake of being selfish for the story to continue. Seeing him grow and change is a breath of fresh air. It might be best to make the continuation a second story since the story is moving in a different direction.
Guest chapter 39 . 9/9/2020
Yeaahh ! I want a part 2
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