Reviews for The Not So Princess and The Pea
Hecate Williams chapter 19 . 1/19/2014
I'm not so interested in love stories, but this was pretty decent. However, it kind of seemed like it was rushed and we (the readers) were missing something. However I loved how relatable the characters were. Good job!
aby pwn u chapter 12 . 8/22/2010
When she finds the beer & sayz "i cant believe you!" her eyes are described as hazel instead of green-gray :S ? AZZTONNISHINGLY DASHING STORY! D
applenica chapter 19 . 5/27/2010
oh finally the happy ending and happy wedding on the next chapter. but it's over too soon. i want lovey dovey cutey scene devon and gwen together . i hope you matchmaking cass and ashton on the sequel and you can put story of devon gwen little family.
applenica chapter 17 . 5/27/2010
oh the prince is coming. dun...dun...dun
applenica chapter 12 . 5/27/2010
ashton is so sweet older brother...
applenica chapter 11 . 5/27/2010
gwen is so dense about devon. kayla and lily give a hint. ashton know about devon like gwen, but why ashton still pursue gwen. thanks god, now ashton give up.
applenica chapter 8 . 5/27/2010
aw so sweet and romantic.
applenica chapter 7 . 5/27/2010
oh my god. devon will confess to her.
applenica chapter 4 . 5/27/2010
it's complicated triangle love story.
applenica chapter 3 . 5/27/2010
so ashton and gwen is a couple? i wonder why devon seems so hurt. does he have a feeling to gwen?
applenica chapter 1 . 5/27/2010
hi! i'm your new reader. i like this, like a bachelor show and the main character are chilhood enemy. i bet it's awesome.
teardropsONroses chapter 1 . 5/5/2010
haha i love happy bunny

it's pretty good so far
eloise chapter 8 . 3/4/2010
Where is the pics of the characters?
Topaz once again chapter 19 . 12/30/2009
Well, as said, I can't wait for your next chapter, and based off this story, I am more than likely going to be reading some of your other stories as well. You did a fabulous job with this!


PS If you for some reason have some free time and want to check out one of my stories, that would be awesome to get your opinion. :D
Topaz36 again chapter 19 . 12/30/2009
They didn't post my review correctly... odd.

Anywho what I meant to say was how much I loved this story and I can't wait to read your upcoming chapter! How exciting! I could not help but feel all giddy when Gwen was feeling giddy. It was just overall a great chapter! I
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