Reviews for All The Wrong Reasons
AJS chapter 1 . 8/7/2011
I just bought this book and read it on my Kindle. What a great story - I always loved your stories and knew this one wouldn't disappoint. I must say your writing has come a long long way since your first Phone Calls From a Rock Fan. I am curious to read Vicious Cycles. Honestly this reminds me a little that other story and it's sequel. Of the girl with the long term boyfriend who moves to Washington and falls in love with his friend who's the lead singer. It's probably just the types of stories I like.

Anyway I don't even really have much to say about this story. Somehow I think Lucas should have found out that Irelyn still slept with Dustin that one time, but all in all I love this story. Everything was written so nicely and I am amazed I didn't come out hating her. I think the only time I actually was annoyed was when she thought about covering up Lucas' baby by saying it was Dustin's. Everything else was totally understand and I see her struggle.

Anyway, it's weird I don't have much else to say. I guess there were a few typos throughout that I think should have been cleaned up considering you're selling it as a book. I would love for you to post up the sequel (whereever) so I can read it.

Also it'd be nice if you kept the summaries on Fictionpress so it's not hard to find what they're all about, even if they're no longer necessarily on Fp anymore.

Thanks for writing awesome stories, and I hope you'll continue!

- Alyssa
xxcubanangelxx chapter 1 . 5/30/2011
I love this story, if you ever publish it I would be first in line :D
esinevitable chapter 1 . 5/16/2011
Loved your story start to end! Lucas sounds amazing. Wish i could read your other stories.
DofD chapter 1 . 2/2/2011
Love! I wish it wasn't suspended.
Briar Lynd chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
Please put this up asap! i would love to read more! why did you remove them?
lissdubie chapter 1 . 8/6/2010
I loved this story the first couple of times I read it and I came back to read It a third time. I was so sad to see it was gone! Is it going to be put back up?
KeitaWolf chapter 1 . 4/13/2010
this is amazing!

How long will it be down for? I'm dying to read what comes next!
ryse chapter 3 . 4/6/2010
Yeah, when you wrote that he had an Australian accent I was like - wow. First time anyone's really mentioned us. although, is it was really strong accent or just a mild one? (lucas' one i mean)
live 2oo write chapter 23 . 3/22/2010
I'm reading this the third time and i absolutely love on doing hte good work. :)
Sapphyre Nymph chapter 23 . 3/16/2010
im in love with this...

it was so beautiful!
kaw97 chapter 3 . 2/6/2010
I'm reading this again. LOL And have no comments on the story, but it's funny that in your author note you say something about the crazy amount of snow you were getting - must be last winter? Just funny timing, since here in Virginia we just got our 2nd snowstorm of 18 inches today! In Dec we got one with 20", and we've had at least 3-4 others of 5 or more inches. AND they are calling for 6-8" more on Tuesday! This is highly unusual for Virginia.
Diamandis chapter 23 . 2/4/2010
I just spend hours reading that story. It was amazing, it really was. You have such an amazing talent, I love all your stories. This was.. amazing xD I really enjoyed reading it.
jmn23 chapter 23 . 1/31/2010
It is no wonder that this story won at SKOW award. You always write beautifully. And you always make your readers feel for your characters. It is just amazing. The chemistry between Lucas and Irelyn is phenomenal. Every chapter you walked us through Irelyn's emotion. What a lovely story.
RayaSlayer chapter 23 . 1/29/2010
aww..that was absolutely adorable.

I must say that I don't like that fact that she cheated on her boyfriend but I understand that in some cases, people just can't help it. It just somehow turns out that way.

This story makes people understand the emotional attachment that might unconsciously come under such circumstances and let people realise what the person is going through so they are more likely to empathise.

haha..but enough of that. I really enjoyed the story and I'm glad it was a happy ending :)
sazanka chapter 23 . 1/21/2010
I LOVED this story! The plot was great, the characters were great, your style of writing is amazing!

You know at first I thought it was going to be one of THOSE stories where the girl finds herself with two guys who both like her and she goes on and on about what a big mess she's created... but she doesnt do anything about it.

I liked how you added the complications with Mina's past, Tommy's situation, and Irelyn's grandparents. And I like how you didn't make it cliche and easy by making Dustin genuinely good.. until the end.


Btw, Lucas is one of the sweetest characters ever.
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