Reviews for The Rules of Engagement |
Lady R chapter 11 . 1/30/2009 I love it when they debate like that. It reminds me of when my husband and I have our "little debates". It's such a turn on! LOL Anyway, thank you for the quick update! This has become one of my favorite stories on FP. I can't wait for the next story alert. :) |
Lost and No One Cares chapter 11 . 1/30/2009 That would've been perfect had Dorian been somewhere near by. only. that already happened. and then it would be... just yeaah. Well. What happens next? |
sayitstrue chapter 10 . 1/30/2009 Aw no replies for me. Haha. It's okay. I was going to say, thanks for updating so quickly! I check the site everyday for something new (it helps when uni isn't so great haha). I definitely got my fix of Ant/Dorian in this chapter, even if I sort of thought that Ant listening in on the negative part of Dorian and Tony's conversation was a bit cliche. Still loved the rest, though, and I can't wait for more Ant/Dorian tension and all the fun that comes with it! (: |
all4hydration chapter 10 . 1/29/2009 i really like this story, as a army brat it comes off really good and the jokes he makes are exactly what i have said to my friends! i'm very excited and can't wait for the next chapter to come out |
Emilea chapter 10 . 1/29/2009 this is painfful... why oh why doesn't Dorian get IT. Ant really is attracted to him. I would prefer it if Dorian was more Changed by Ant instead of the other way around. I think it's much easier to be moved by a moral conscience than a cold, hard 'logical' one such as Dorian's... i don't think Dorian should be told the reason for Ant's aloofness in the near future. Keep it, and have it as ammunition in an argument much much later down the track. Allow Jorma and Ant's relationship a chance to develop further? UPDATE SOON! |
Emilea chapter 9 . 1/29/2009 good description of Ant happening here. i still want to get an idea of her face? Wide and innocent? Full lips? |
Emilea chapter 8 . 1/29/2009 It really bothers me that Dorian doesn't... think Ant is that beautifu. He is still completely hung up on Kim, despite his denial over that. |
Emilea chapter 7 . 1/29/2009 Good good, the realisation of feelings on both Ant and Dorian's ends is slow. That's great, because they are both stubborn. |
Emilea chapter 6 . 1/29/2009 I like how cool Dorian appears to be. It's a little heart-wrenching, but true to his character. |
Emilea chapter 5 . 1/29/2009 See-saw relationship... hmm, I would really like to SEE Ant. What does she look like? I really have no idea, and I'm glad you aren't doing the whole paragraph full of crap descriptions about protagonist's physical features... but a little more description would be nice. |
Emilea chapter 4 . 1/29/2009 Jorma Jorma Jorma, as cute as he may be, he will obviously not be good enough for Ant ) Bland cupcake that he is. Ant needs a challenge! |
Emilea chapter 3 . 1/29/2009 You're very good at creating character depth slowly, gradually and realistically. I think the introduction of such a Kim character is clever. Justifies Dorian's behaviour further. |
Emilea chapter 2 . 1/29/2009 i really dislike Dorian's way of thinking. The dialogue is fantastic here; you're obviously an intelligent writer. |
Emilea chapter 1 . 1/29/2009 I can really relate to Ant's personality and political views! And I can also understand her frustration - Dorian is pretty annoying |
peaceout chapter 10 . 1/29/2009 I really like your story. I like how you developed Ant's character, though, I would like to know a little more about her. The relationship between them has been going a good and steady pace. I can't wait to see what happens between them. I also like all the political views you have in here. It's so refreshing and creative how detailed you've gone into it. Please up date soon! |