Reviews for His Convenient 'Wife'
zagato chapter 1 . 3/1/2019
This seems a promising story, I look forward to reading more, thank you!
FrenchieFry128 chapter 1 . 10/4/2012
I love this story! Thanks for following mine :)
Zireael07 chapter 3 . 7/23/2012
If this is set in Middle Ages, what business is this with a gun?
Guest chapter 18 . 7/2/2012
its so awesome ! Pls pls continue :) :) :)
3 chapter 18 . 5/4/2011
April 15 has long passed, update update update now!

I just discovered this story and i love it

I need to know what happens next, what was the spat out reply? .

Hurry up and update!
Lulu chapter 1 . 2/22/2011
I hope this story is still somewhere on your radar and you update!
askdjfaliugh chapter 18 . 11/30/2010
Update! Please? I just gotta know what happens! o_o
all i've ever wanted chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
I just want to express my deepest apologies for your tragic loss. I pray that God may help you and you family make it through your brother's passing.

And to selena62, I admit that begging for updates was very callous considering the situation at hand. However, most of her readers were unaware of this occurrance, so you should calm yourself, and instead of causing conflict among nothinglouderthansilance's fans focus on encouraging her and helping her through her grief.

neetread chapter 1 . 6/3/2010
OMG! I didn't know about the author having a personal tragedy. Although I didn't get frustrated like some of the readers, but I did wonder about the delay and had been looking forward to updates. I would never complain because it's a good piece and it's FREE! What more can you ask for? ;) I'm sorry for whatever happened to the author. I appreciate her effort to try and finish up this novel.
Selena62 chapter 18 . 6/3/2010
You readers SUCK! Yes, this story is fantastic and begs to be completed. You have the audacity to demand for an update now thats it's way past April 15. If you've bothered reading Rain On Marble and nothinglouderthansilence's profile you'll know that she has suffered a personal tragedy. I'm amazed none of you readers have shown her your support. Is HCW more important than one's twin?
all i've ever wanted chapter 18 . 5/24/2010
Not to be rude or anything, but what the heck happened to updates by april 15. if you're not aware it's way past then. not trying to be mean, just trying to help you update
markermt chapter 18 . 4/23/2010
this story has me need to update soon!
Merisa chapter 18 . 3/8/2010
Please update! I've been following this story every since you wrote on Quizilla. I'm dying to see what happends between Damien and Annelise!
insanity01 chapter 18 . 2/7/2010
im losing my mind! i read this entire series in one sitting! its THAT great! i applaud you greatly. :) i was late for school because i desired to read these stories so. im greatly grieved that you havnt updated a new chapter in a while. Annelise is kicking ASS! im completely adicted, and would be more then ecstatic for a new chapter ] if theres any way me, and most likely your other adoring fans, could help, please ;) let us know!
Ana chapter 18 . 1/31/2010
You recieved more views on quizilla.
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