Reviews for High School Sucks
thissparrow chapter 14 . 8/12/2010
so i know its been a long time since u've updated this story but if ur gonna do it, do it soon im dying her! XD

That's All She Wrote chapter 14 . 5/4/2010
Aw! I just found this story yesterday, and it is so adorable! I honestly don't get ANY of the manga references, but that is completely okay! Lol! Anway, you write it so well, I can't wait to see what happens next. ((Every time I try to write 'happens,' I'll end up putting 'happened' instead, so I'll try to correct it by saying 'happenes,' but I have to stop and realize that that isn't right. 0-o Just thought you should know.)) But anyway, keep it up!
xSadistxFujix chapter 14 . 12/7/2009
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update soon! -gets on knees and begs- I'll worship you like I worship wonderful yaoi... err, okay, no actually because that might be a little awkward, but this is seriously one of the first GOOD stories I've found on FP lately! And you've not updated in MONTHS! And I'm sure that makes the people who have been waiting for an update REALLY sad! T.T

Oh, and before I forget like I have when reviewing the other chapters, so you stretched Loveless truth? So Ritsuka DIDN'T loose his ears? Aw, -pouts- I was hoping he would but I knew he wouldn't but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, right? ;P

Please update soon!

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 13 . 12/7/2009
Hmm, I'm thinking of whether I should flame this chapter JUST to set Takada's body on fire...

But I WON'T. (but please set her body on fire again, anyways, that'll make everyone happy. SHE IS PARTLY THE REASONE MATT AND MELLO ARE DEAD! -cries-)

WONDERFUL chapter! LOVED the make-out session!

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 12 . 12/7/2009
YAY! YAY! YAY! -fangirls- I think that sums that up! :P

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 11 . 12/7/2009
...I was gonna say she reminded me of Cheri from KKM too! I'm serious, everything anime you've mentioned in this story so far, I've seen! It's crazy! And I LOVE them all! Another great chapter and I have an IDEA of what she was going to say, especially since you said "fucked up family", but I'm not sure so I won't say.

One thing... Ritsuka looses his EARS? WHY didn't they make more in the anime? NOW I need to read it! Gah!

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 10 . 12/7/2009
Aww, Tristan is such a sweety! -smiles- Really!

You totally got my mind into overdrive with the apron and nothing thing. If I hadn't read worse (or however you look at it, thank fanfiction) I would've TOTALLY had a nosebleed. -nods- I'm serious. Anime/fanfiction made me into a pervert! YAY! -claps-

Great chapter!

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 9 . 12/7/2009
OMFG! I LOVE Gakuen Heaven! And that song is SO awesome! Yaoi/BL/Shounen-ai is like the best thing ever invented on this PLANET! I couldn't LIVE without it! And I'm NOT being over dramatic. :P Though, for some reason, my favorite anime is like, not shounen-ai but it SHOULD be because everyone who watches/reads it KNOWS (at least if you like yaoi) that most every character (which is like over 50 teenage boys) is gay for someone either on their team or not (Prince of Tennis, gayest -in a good way- anime ever without being shounen-ai, there is a pairing name "Dirty Pair" -which is my fave pairing-).

Sorry about that rambling, had to get that out, I LOVE rambling! Specially fangirl rambles! Anyways, another GREAT chapter and I'm really sad that I only have a few more chapters left to read! -hinthint-

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 8 . 12/7/2009
You know, I actually think Casper would be a better seme. It's actually Aiden's bitchy attitude that makes me think that but of course I'm not sure what else you've written or what else you're planning if you do continue this story. I loved this chapter and on I read!

~Nya! _
xSadistxFujix chapter 3 . 12/7/2009
-overdramatic gasp- Oh my! Aiden likes Pocky! I love him even more now!
Tara.Riley.Mason chapter 6 . 7/22/2009

Vulpine Ninja chapter 14 . 7/18/2009
please do update! .
Vulpine Ninja chapter 12 . 7/18/2009
lol you gotta love Alexa and Nina.

cheeky moms.
Vulpine Ninja chapter 11 . 7/18/2009
omg did i see Ouran, Junjo Romantica, Gravitation and Loveless?
Vulpine Ninja chapter 5 . 7/18/2009
lol omg. i'm using almost the same formula about the stereotypes XD

the story may lack 'feelings' and descriptions but i like how fast it went. the last few dialogs made me lol!
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