Reviews for More Than A Brother's Love II: Entredeux
whit19 chapter 14 . 11/3/2014
I love this story...please don't give up on it...don't leave us like this! I need to know what is going to happen and how they are going to find their way back to each other, because they have to!
Xx.PromptedPoems.KR.xX chapter 14 . 12/18/2013
Seriously? You're just gonna leave it at that?! Why won't you UPDATE?!
Rayne Lione chapter 14 . 5/19/2013
Oh My Gosh. I don't know if you even get on Fiction Press anymore but I just I would complement an amazing author. If you could ever spare the time to continue this story please P.M. me and let me know. I have utterly and completely fallen in love with this story.
Fehnryr chapter 14 . 10/23/2012
What? What do you mean there's no next chapter? What is this D:

kdsljafkdsjalkfjdsal. *panic*
Fehnryr chapter 12 . 10/23/2012
Why can't they just be haaapppyyyy TT

You are stomping all over my heart, I hope you know..
Fehnryr chapter 6 . 10/23/2012

Can't we just go back to Chi and Hyun cuddling? TT
hibike chapter 12 . 6/21/2012
Hi! Back again and just thought I'd give you another review every once in a while. (It's only been a couple hours...) Well after reading chapter 12 I suddenly feel the need to slap Hyun and Chi upside the head for them both being so... so... I can't even find the right words...
TheGhostChild chapter 14 . 3/15/2012
Okay.. WOW. I haven't had a chance to fully comment because I get too excited for the next chapter and I forget what I wanna say o.o

BUUUTTTTT~ I basically love this story. Both. These boys.. god. The love shared between them brings tears to my eyes. It reminds me to appreciate what I have. That there is no boundaries when it comes to true (consensual!) love. And people need to see that.

These difficulties and hurdles they're put through is testing them, but goodness I hope it works out. Because I know I'd be beyond heartbroken if my love left. God. I can't think about it.

Great work so far. Lovely. I really enjoyed it so far c:

And please excuse my rambling D;
TheGhostChild chapter 13 . 3/15/2012
FREEDOM D; I'm glad he's out. Now.. if only he could find his brother :/
TheGhostChild chapter 12 . 3/15/2012

:c Goodness. My mind is sort of all over the place. This can go anywhere now. Ohmy. I feel so bad for them. Great chapter though c:
TheGhostChild chapter 11 . 3/15/2012
Chi.. :/ -sigh- Poor kid. And I'm sorry, but I loved Bambi c: He's too adorable for Hyun to be annoyed with.

Mnnh :/ Only three chapters left. Anyway, great so far.
helinamica6577 chapter 2 . 7/18/2011
Why do you make Sang such a dick? I didn't even know I was saying 'I hate Sang' over and over again for five minutes after I read what the ass did.



Must keep reading!
Chrislovesstories chapter 14 . 7/2/2011
soooo its been idk 2 or 3 years since the story stop! why? ita was going SOOOOO good! i was cryin when i was reading this story! its sooo good please update SOOON! your doing good and you shouldnt stop! okay i just to put my two cents there. have a nice day and upload SOON!
TMi The Dork in the Corner chapter 14 . 3/12/2011
aw im so sad that it stops here i hope you continue this its really good and i wanna know what happens! its an amazing story and I love chi and hyun this is awesome. i hope you continue soon. :D
Jodiexxx chapter 14 . 3/3/2011
Read the first story and then this in all one sitting-god I'm such a no-lifer. I love this story((:

Sincerely. Whattheheck? Bambi drugged Hyun! They made him into some male prostitute thing! I feel so pissed now.

I felt terrible when Chi told Hyun to go away-you're really good with those scenes. I envy you. DX

Hahaha! Anyway, I hope you can update soon. Damn, is Jin straight? 'cause I've totally fallen for his personality
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