Reviews for A Testament to Living
ASingleSplendidSong chapter 1 . 8/26/2010
I'm sorry, but why does this only have one review? This is amazingly touching and deep. It's everything that is right about living and love and hope. The way words are used astound me. I bet that most people were stunned into shock and forgot to review. I almost was.

I hope you're always writing. I hope you never stop. I honestly wish I could write like you. I honestly hope that one day I finally make it to America, I'm able to buy all these magazines with your poems in them.

Until then, please fill the world with more of your words.
Mazkeraide chapter 1 . 2/4/2009
This was absolutely beautiful. It was impeccably written and a joy to read, even though it was completely vague. It portrayed life so well, in all its various stages. I couldn't tell if it was talking about one person or five or twenty-six, but I loved it.

Very, very well done.
