Reviews for Friday of Magic
Fumiki chapter 17 . 8/26/2011
I like this! Lovely! :) It's funny how Jay and Matt got interrupted... They should have just do it in the lift. Haha!

I'm going to stalk your other story now ;P
Boekwurm chapter 4 . 7/11/2011
What happened to the puppy Jay gave Matt when he told him he is a genie?
Keona Raynalise chapter 17 . 7/9/2011
Hi! I was rereading the story, and a thought came to me! If everyone who is a genie deserves it and Jay is the only exception... Then was Lucymae the worst brat ever or what?
i-wish-i-had-wings chapter 17 . 6/8/2011
thank you for posting this, i've really enjoyed reading it ) i must admit i was a bit worried here and there that it would turn into one of those stories with more and more drama building up (i hate those kind of stories, so good in the beginning and then WHAM! they're something completely else.)but FoM held the right amount xD i like the fact that it was fluffy and sweet but still "real". god, i really don't like writing reviews, i just can't pull my thoughts together..anyways, thank you P
SparrowAndPhoenix chapter 17 . 11/28/2010
First, I LOVE P.F. Changs! I went there for my birthday too (though I got the fried ice cream instead of banana).

I'm really happy that the story developed into a story about Jay's "creation" and not just his and Matt's relationship. I was also really hoping that there would be a way to make Jay mortal cause any other turn-out would have sucked so yay!

One thing I totally was not expecting was Orvill to come back as the villain though, thinking back on it, the big deal about him being a sleezeball at the beginning makes a lot more sense now.

Overall, I think you had really great personalities going but I wished you could have defined/developed Crys's character more. She has the sarcasm but it would be nice to see something that sets her apart from the others more.

I like how you set up Mace and Aaron at the end... theehehe.

littleanemonefish chapter 14 . 11/20/2010
Oh my gosh, this is so intense.
FlorVerde chapter 1 . 10/31/2010
Oh my god! That caught me COMPLETELY by surprise! I'm totally hooked! This has to be one of the greatest first chapters I've ever read! lol Off to read the rest now!
midnight to dusk chapter 17 . 10/30/2010
haha what a cute ending.
abby2read chapter 13 . 10/24/2010
If your parents don't like you writing stuff like this, then you could change the font colour to white every time you close it. that makes it look like there's nothing there. Sure, the pages and pages and pages look suspicious, but if you want to be really paranoid, you could put it at 2.0 and write something harmelss in between. Just a thought.
Abrasive chapter 17 . 10/6/2010
Good story. The writing was clear and accessible. The plot was fun and interesting, although at times I felt certain aspects were glossed over or a tad ridiculous, and it moved somewhat slowly for a while in the middle when I felt somewhat bored and confused as to where it was all headed. However, it came together nicely, even if Aaron seemed like a dreadful imitation of a deus ex machina.

Both Jay and Matt made excellent protaganists, but I'm unsure why you chose to write in first AND third person, since neither one seemed more central than the other. In furture, for the sake of balance, it might be preferable to choose one perspective and stick to it, i.e. all first/second/third person.

N.B. Paige, though well-characterised, annoyed the living sanity out of me. She was selfish, inane and just plain asinine. Furthermore, them being in a band seemed almost unnecessary since it played such a miniscule role and, consequently, came off a tad trite.

Aside from that, it was reasonably enjoyable.
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 12 . 8/30/2010
He needs to wish to live for as long as Jay does :)
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 11 . 8/30/2010
I want a waffle too ;)
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 10 . 8/30/2010
-(GASP)- ...
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 9 . 8/30/2010
Hi :) There I reviewed xD
dfghjklcvbnmm chapter 8 . 8/30/2010
I like chrys
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