Reviews for The King and the Courtesan
Rebecca chapter 38 . 1/3/2011
kinda heart wrenching the way her life is. i dont want her to have the baby, but i want her to run from ez. good story :)
pille-ip chapter 38 . 1/3/2011
Yay an update!

Happy 2011th!
DaniD3 chapter 38 . 1/3/2011
I've been getting caught up on some of my subscribed story updates and I am SO glad I added this one. Every chapter finds me eagerly moving onto the next one until the last one where I said outloud, "Oh man." I didn't want it to end! lol

I won't lie to ya. Poor Melissa's story is not exactly a happy one. It's down right depressing at times. Especially this last chapter. She just can't seem to catch a break. What keeps me hanging in there though is the slim hope that something good will happen for her. That Ezekiel will somehow soften towards her. Perhaps see that she would never use something like a pregnancy to control him? I suppose I am reaching with that hope. Ezekiel is missing something vital that makes people human. In his own way, he much worse than Blade. Perhaps happiness of some sort will come to Melissa from someone else or through another sorce. Fingers crossed :)

Great story!
Aurette chapter 38 . 1/3/2011
Oh man, Melissa. I feel so sorry for her because she's so utterly trapped. She has money and dust and everything, but she still can't really do anything. Poor chick. Great chapter, as always. I'm looking forward to see what happens with her abortion plans, if Ezekiel finds out or not. Freaky.
iRuo chapter 38 . 1/3/2011
please update fast please please please?

i want to no what happen next so badly!
Sarah411 chapter 1 . 12/27/2010
Hey, I love this story!

One thing though; I would love it if you would update more; haha you keep me in suspense.
ktgirl14 chapter 37 . 12/24/2010
This story is very interesting and I'm glad it doesn't focus entirely on x-rated stuff because the story line is really coming through. Update soon!
Typhaegia chapter 37 . 12/20/2010
You know, I was actually thinking about her chance of pregnancy before I read the chapter! I cannot wait to see how this will play out! And btw, Ezekiel is totally heartless_
KittyCatTwilight chapter 37 . 12/20/2010
I was wondering when it was going to happen. I kept on thinking that it was unnatural for her not to get pregnant, especially after having sex with Ezekiel for so long. I really hope the reason that Tanya was killed wasn't the fact that she was pregnant. Melissa is totally screwed if it was!XC Hopefully Ezekiel doesn't find out anytime soon. But like you said, "Ezekiel knows everything."
alechandra chapter 36 . 12/20/2010

i read all 37 in one sleepless night

when as i should have been studying

but it was worth it :)

thank you for sharing

i really like melissa !

eziekel is a gangster ( but a hot one at that ) ))

just dont forget to write more ( very curious as to how eziekel is going to react to the news :)) hihi
alechandra chapter 37 . 12/18/2010
Quita chapter 37 . 12/18/2010
My my my. I haven't reviewed in a super long time. I stopped reading a while ago when I thought you stopped updating. Just yesterday I decided to come back here and potentially reread the story over again, when to my surprise there were a ton of new chapters. And they're all super good too.

Review for this chapter:

I lol-ed when he asked her if she considered him her boyfriend. That Ezekiel always making others uncomfortable and what not. Ha!

Now here comes my biggest question for this chapter. It's pretty obvious that Milessa is pregnant now and Ezekiel obviously doesn't like that pregnancy stuff. From what has been said about him, he seems to be a very picky, clean-like person. Or at least this is what I've seen. Now I just cannot picture someone like Ezekie, ruler of all the world(LOL), would have unprotected sex with a drug addict ( who uses NEEDLES!) prostitute. And even with how much he's disgusted with Blade, he'd still have unprotected sex with someone that's had ( 9 times out of 10) unprotected sex with him also. WTF is Ezekiel thinking? Now I know that this is a fictional world they reside in, but does this fictional world also not have STDs or AIDs?
Deirdre chapter 1 . 12/17/2010
By far, this is one of the best stories I've ever read. Amazing :-)
Shantaru chapter 37 . 12/16/2010

Inbobniac chapter 37 . 12/13/2010
Telling Ezekiel he's conceived a child would probably be the equivalent of telling a unicorn he's lost his horn.

It just doesn't fly.

Ten bucks that unicorn would go on a murderous rampage and kill all of it's unicorn druggies that owe it money.

I don't think Ezekiel killed Tanya because she was getting snoopy or knew too much, I think he killed her because she was pregnant. Think about it; if you're a merciless drug-lord with the emotional capacity of a spoon, would you be having little drug-lord kiddies running around the place?

Let me answer for those who do not understand the complete and utterly obvious answer: No.

In what way would a child benefit said drug-lord? In what way would a child make profit for him? More importantly, KIDS JUST PLAIN DO NOT WORK FOR DRUG-LORDS. Ezekiel finding out Melissa's pregnant would pretty much stamp 'dead' on her face. Then again, he did say he'd never hurt her, and as much as we know about Ezekiel, it's that he keeps his word.

But hey, he has plenty of employees.

I'm hoping that Melissa gets back to Ace and Juri, tells them her situation, and they end the war with Ezekiel. I just don't see this story ending up any other way than Ezekiel dead. Hell, maybe Melissa will do the dirty deed.

The easiest part of Ezekiel's funeral?

*Puts on sunglasses*

The guest list.


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