Reviews for The King and the Courtesan
iRuo chapter 37 . 12/13/2010
so are you saying that Ezekiel shot Tanya just because she was pregnant?

hurry and update!
Raye Skye chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
Oh my good gracious Lord.

Melissa's gonna get k-i-l-l-e-d. SHANKED. Why the eff is she not on the pill? Is she stupid? SHE'S GOING TO DIE.

But omg, I can't WAIT to see how he reacts to this one, BESIDES killing her. I'm picturing it in my head and he is one anggrry duckling. How would she even go about telling him? Like, "Hey,'Zeks, I was throwing up randomly the other day and I realized I was pregnant with your child...You're not mad, right? We can work this out?"


I did feel this chapter was a bit rushed, but that could just be because I want more,more,more! I can't wait for the next chapter, way to keep us on our toes!

-Raye (I actually made an account! Go figures!)
veyo chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
No efin way, i really hope he doesnt kill her cuz that would suck but wouldnt he want a legacy u know with his "son". Yea i picked its gender already lol, But this story is amzing im a little miffed u left me at a cliffhanger but ill hang in there for a day :)
deltaphi chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
Wait, so does Ezekiel have a thing against pregnancy or something? Exactly why did he killed Tanya?

I think Ezekiel is one of the most fascinating character I've ever 's rare that the main character would be so close to the villain.

Ezekiel can't know absolutely everything *all* the time, right? Surely he must be mistaken at some point...

So is that why Melissa begged for cash, to buy a pregnancy test? But didn't they use some sort of protection when they have sex? I can't remember the time when you explicitly stated so, but I've always assumed that maybe they used condoms or she was on the pill.

Well this is an interesting turn of events, and I can't wait for what's in store next chapter. Hope you don't mind all the questions :)
morpheusandmuse chapter 37 . 12/12/2010

i can't believe it! she's pregnant!

what the hell is she going to do?

i'm so excited - what a cliffhanger
OlympicBunny chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
omg thats the perfect twist! I love love love it. Cant wait to see more :)
pille-ip chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
Wow... Am I a sadist/masohist hoping that she'll have Ezekiels baby and stay together with him and him being glad/happy/anything positive about it? I hope I'm not. I mean I hope everything turns out not just good but best possible ever for both of them. Update soon!
Aurette chapter 37 . 12/12/2010
Oh crap, this ain't good. XD And you never know with Ezekiel how'd react to something like this. Great chapter though. I definitely do not envy Melissa's position.
Kojote chapter 36 . 12/5/2010
Well then...

It's a bit hard to comment a 36 chapters in one, but since I read the first 30 ones elsewhere and couldn't stop reading the last ones here, I'll have to make do somehow.

Forst of all: Thank you very, very much!

I am an avid reader. Mostly in my native language, which happens to be german, but since the online-stuff went sparse in german - and since my significant other doesn't like starving because of using the money up to keep me well supplied with books - I started with english some time ago.

The biggest difference I detected now is the overall length of stories. The english ones happen to be longer and therefore closer to books in general than the german ones. But that my be due to the fact that there are much more english writers than german ones, huh?

This story happens to be zhe longest one I ever read on a screen (and I have no antipathy whatsoever against reading online).

Did you know that it totales 202 pages in times 11 pt. in word in the displayed format?

At first the subject was just intriguing. I expected a long story which turned out to be well written and facinating. But I also expected it to find an end eventually.

It was interessting to learn about Melissa and not overly surprising how she met Ezekiel. The characters turned out to be different from the expected ones, though.

Somehow I expected Ezekiel to grow affected eventually. But you keeped up his character very well and didn't let him get implausible.

I would have characterized him in a different way. Even if the outwardly behaviour might have seemed similar.

What strikes me is the fact that yet I am craving for more.

I cannot really identify with anyone from the story (exept Ace who happens to be some kind of character-doppelganger of a younger self of mine) and the whole story doesn't meet my personal wishes in it's progression.

But it strikes me anyhow.

It is not the story I was searching for and not the one I expected from the 'backcover', which could normally be considered bad. But it isn't...!

It's like the book in your shelf you never touched, because you suspected it to be boring or at least not your taste. But then you happen to be ill and out of other reading stuff, pick it up and loose track of everything else.

The kind of stuff you start reading and don't stop until you finished it.

Consider this the biggest accolade I can deal out.

I read a couple of books broaching addiction, priostitution, psychological domination, abuse and so on, but this one approaches the matter totally different.

There is no raised index finger (which might be a german term for moral sermon, for we love to raise our index fingers on such things). There is a moral of teh story visible from within if one has the brains to comprehend, but you don't nudge your readers nose in.

Your characters are perfectly plausible in their actions and yet provide a new surprise every chapter.

And your ability to stretch the story out is amazing.

I never got bored.

Yet the story feels like being merely in the middle. I could imagine it stretching even further. And I would really appreciate that.

I stopped guessing where you will lead me and handed over the navigation to you. Which is pretty unusual for me.

Whenever you get this one into print I will buy it. Immediatly and without asking for the price.

Please keep on writing. Especially this story!

I apologize for inconsistency (it's late over here and I was reading for a really long time now) and of course for my flimsy english.
Salt and Vinegar Pringles chapter 36 . 11/23/2010
Wow, Ezekiel is intense! Totally intense, and so enthralling! I love how you haven't softened his character- he's such an anti-hero!

Am definitely looking forward to your next chapter!
rash chapter 36 . 11/11/2010
this chapter was really good sorry for being vague but i really loved it please write more chapters
Twilightorchid44 chapter 36 . 11/6/2010
OMG i've been away from this story for FAR too long..

Melissa is incredible wow i can't believe what's happening to her

and Ezekial is confusing me lol how he's almost changing.. i think he's going to start liking her but have to pretend he doesn't.
KittyCatTwilight chapter 36 . 11/6/2010
HOLY CRAP!O Ezekiel has a really deep past. The fact that he didn't deny any of the things Floyd said makes them true, right? I can't believe his name was Jameson. I think Ezekiel is such a better name...(no offense to the name Jameson) I wonder what Tanya did to get herself killed? It seems that her death affected Ezekiel in a way that Yola's didn't. Maybe he actually cared for her deep down in his cold heart? Well, I'll never know until more is told about it...Please update as soon as you can.:)
Shantaru chapter 36 . 11/6/2010
its ok i totally understand how busy ppl are :]] just keep it up~! :D AND WWAAHH~ i dunno why but im expecting ezekiel would fall in love with her at the same time not falling for her and a lot that would happen unexpectedly~! gahahaha~~ im so confusing~~ X]
urthemusicinme chapter 36 . 11/6/2010
this should be made into a movie :)

very nice!
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