Reviews for Welcome to Heartbreak
NothingMoreThanLife123 chapter 1 . 5/30/2013
Your writing Seriously. Wow. I don't know what to say. Depressing, yes. Tragic, yes. Wow...I'm blown away.
jennielove chapter 31 . 5/19/2013
i loved it soo much! halfway through the story, i thought it was going too slow and adam was being a jerk by wanting both eva and his fiancee at the same time but now i have no complaints at all. i cried when eva said she didn't want Adam and i felf so sorry for him. the ending was just perfect. great story. keep writing! :-)
Lolitroy chapter 30 . 4/18/2013
Eva drunk? Seriously? Naw, what a dissapointment. How come she never tasted alcohol and out of the blue she drinks? Just not realistic.

And Adam's so weak. Seriously. He's the opposite of what I thought. I hope the next chapter is better than this :S
Lolitroy chapter 29 . 4/18/2013
Suicide? Seriously?
Lolitroy chapter 27 . 4/18/2013
Eva is acting bithier these episodes... don't you think? Stealing Rachel's boyfriend. I mean, Rachel is stupid and all, but it's still not right.

Becca and Alexis are the loveliest characters here.
Lolitroy chapter 22 . 4/18/2013
It seems like Eva is am emotional roller coaster. One chapter she's whining and the next, she tries to strangle someone to death.

I'm liking the story, really, and I liked Eva and her bipolarity, but when she starts angsting... I skim. Sorry. Though unlike many people here, I like Adam. Except that he is actually a spoiled selfish brat. Meh.
Lolitroy chapter 21 . 4/18/2013
Best. Chapter. Ever.

I swear when she threw up I thought she was, you know what. And the story, and the stupid son of his mama grandfather... I loved it!

But Eva is... acting differently, don't you think? That's the only thing I didn't like.
Lolitroy chapter 17 . 4/17/2013
How could he do that!? My gawd, I feel about to explode since I have to turn the laptop off. Why did you leave it in such a cliffhanger? WHY DID HE DO THAT TO HER!?

I hate Adam. Bastard. Sick animal $%&... you get the idea.
Lolitroy chapter 6 . 4/13/2013
Hmmm. Nice :D

Aw, stop saying your english is not that good because you speak portuguese. My natal language isn't english either, and I also committed the same mistake of using that as an excuse to my grammar mistakes. But I don't anymore. Because mistakes are mistakes no matter what. Not that you have a lot, anyway. I hardly have spotted them :D

Rita is so lovely! And I kind of despised Adam, but, yeah, he's growing on me. Though Vince is stupid. Very stupid. And Becca is also lovely! Good characters, really.

A very well-written cliche! Really lovely! So far, awesome.
SundayMorning73 chapter 10 . 4/2/2013
I've been finding it really odd how Eva and her aunt call each other 'aunt' and 'neice'. It comes of really odd and fake almost in their conversations. This could just be me...
HeirOfHufflepuff chapter 6 . 4/2/2013
I love this story SOOOOO much! But, dude, I facepalmed three times! Eva has bad luck! By the way, your English is AWESOME! :)
D.A.H.M chapter 1 . 3/24/2013
It is an amazing story so far what i have read. But can you please help me too. I want to publish a story here. But i'm a little lost. Good luck and please keep writing it is truly amazing! :D
Hop3lesS-Romantic-GirL chapter 14 . 3/11/2013
What an intence chapter! Wow... Love this story!
Hop3lesS-Romantic-GirL chapter 12 . 3/11/2013
Chapter 12 was amaaaaazing! Lol! Need i say more!

Good work on this story btw :)
TheConsciousDreamer chapter 31 . 3/6/2013
I stopped reading after chapter 21. I couldn't read anymore because the strong, couragous Eva you introduced us to was acting like a slut, weak, and plain stupid. I stopped reading because the loyal and loving Adam acted like he didn't even care anymore. Because he was cheating. Because he had you-know-what right before he proposed to Rachel. Because he acted selfishly and stupid and horny and weak and a player.
I tried to continue to read but the entire chapter revolted me. I skimmed the next two chapters and hated what I read.
Usually, I act mature when it comes to stories I didn't like, since many a people have inexperience, but from your first 20 chapters, I could tell you are very experienced from your writing.
I am disappointed in how you made Eva act. You truly could have done better. I will not accept any excuses from your lack of inexperience.
If you are deciding to read this story, for heads up, enjoy the beautifully written story until you get to chapter 21.
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