Reviews for Welcome to Heartbreak
Hope chapter 31 . 10/26/2012

This is the best story ever! I spent a week and a half reading this whole story. It was the best! Last night, I spent until 5:32AM (Never slept!) and I was so addicted to reading this story.
Cute how they ended up together, it sounds kind of like what me and my boyfriend(His name is Adam, too) are going through. We're forbidden to see eachother because of some stupid, rediculas friends taking out matches and nearly burning a school on fire when I was with him and my mom told me to get a new bestfriend and boyfriend(because they both lived in that area, and still do) but im in love with him and I'd do anything to be with him, regardless if he ever got together with another girl(like when i wasn't dating him). That is how much I love him.
Thank you for creating this magnificant story!
nancyxpeng chapter 31 . 10/23/2012
I think this story is absolutely amazing!
Avril555 chapter 31 . 9/13/2012
Oh. My. GOD.


twibbit chapter 31 . 9/8/2012
K.Neko chapter 31 . 9/2/2012
I have absolutely enjoyed and was captivated with this story... It's now become one of my favourites that I'm sure I will read again. It's always sad to see the ending of a captivating story such as yours but I'm so THRILLLED that they both ended up together.. As I've been saying, I love cliches! I can't wait to read the epilogue as I definitely want to know Adam's and Eva's life after the storm! Thank you for providing me such an awesome read and I can't wait to check out more of your stories!
K.Neko chapter 30 . 9/2/2012
Yeeey! I love u! No sad endings! Can't wait how you finished this story.. I spent the whole Saturday and Sunday weekends to read this (yes, sadly still in bed and pjs)! You have had me hooked!
K.Neko chapter 21 . 9/1/2012
You are right! This chapter is so good! It almost ly like a movie playing in my head.. Although it started veering towards Downton Abbey style.
K.Neko chapter 19 . 9/1/2012
Oh u cheeky thing you! U got me there with ur last AN! Such a gripping story.
K.Neko chapter 18 . 9/1/2012
Oh no.. Reading ur comments made my assumption correct - Adam and Eva won't be together! Damn!
K.Neko chapter 17 . 9/1/2012
Ooohhh! I knew it! Gahhh! I want to kick Adam in his nether regions! And here I am hating him right now.. I bet the good author that u are will make me somehow forgive him.. Lol love it!
K.Neko chapter 16 . 9/1/2012
Ah! I had to stop reading and take a break at the part where they were about to reach the house and he said "I want you to know that... I really liked last night, kid. It was great." it seemed like a break up speech and I didn't want to accept! Such a good stories! Now one of my favs! And when u mentioned its the climax I kind of not want to read further to save myself the gut wrenching "noooo! Don't marry Rachel!" but that's just my me being dramatic.
K.Neko chapter 15 . 9/1/2012
Noooo! I'm starting to get angry at Eva now.. It's like she has no self respect. I get how she can't stop her feeling towards Adam, but being 2nd choice is just a world full of hurt! Now I'm worried it's not gonna be the happy ending that I hoped it'd be! I hope I'm wrong!
K.Neko chapter 12 . 9/1/2012
Omg woohoo! Finally some action.. I was starting to get a lil worried nothing but platonic friendship would be between them! I really hope they end up together.. Can't wait to read more! Thank god for weekends coz this is all I've been doing!
K.Neko chapter 3 . 8/31/2012
Loving it so far! And despite what others might think, I actually love cliches!
Guest chapter 14 . 8/25/2012
Eva doesn't have any self-worth -_-
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