Reviews for The Country Girl
Dbn chapter 27 . 12/17/2012
great story! I loved the ending!
witeaya chapter 26 . 12/9/2011
when i come to this part of the story i always come to a conclusion that love is indeed blind.

i feel like bitching hunter right now what with his half-assed apology but thats the feminist in me so i will ignore it.
64ShatteredButterflys chapter 27 . 3/8/2011
I really liked this story write a sequel please!
WyldeLoneStar chapter 27 . 4/20/2010
What a fun story...I couldn't stop reading. I can't wait to check out the rest of your work. :)
I Murder on Impulse chapter 27 . 12/12/2009
Love the story!


Google Mania chapter 27 . 12/12/2009
Emi, your review was completely you actually have an opinion worth a damn? Or do you just review to be a total bitch? Guess nobody ever told you that goody two shoes are ass holes. Well here's your heads up! Comment to improve next time.
fictionalxbliss chapter 3 . 11/26/2009
I hate her mom. Ugh.
deathanddawn chapter 27 . 9/19/2009
ohh my gawsh... i luv this story!

but i really want a sequal... something about the end of Sydneys pregnancy and afterwards.

anyway, you could probably use a good edit though, including scene change indicators

luvvedd it

cookies and hugss xoxo

Emi chapter 7 . 8/6/2009
Hi. I really like the plot and the characters, but you REALLY need to get someone to just go over the entire story for you. Asking people to review to let you know about any typos won't help. You have run-on sentences galore, and you keep on randomly changing the tenses. The story itself is good, but the terrible grammar ruins the read.
sarah kinzey chapter 4 . 7/29/2009
i really like the book up to what i've read. it sounds alot like sergeant bluff though lol and hunter is nice but i'm thinking he has a side like all guys being a butt head. :)
XxAmanda Is A Jasper's GirlxX chapter 27 . 7/9/2009
that was an awesome story. i really really liked it. it was a little weird when i couldn't tell where the changes were. maybe putting a double dash (-) between where they are changing scenes. Anyway, it was still a good story.
Arya Yamamoto chapter 27 . 6/25/2009
Beautiful! Simply amazing... lots of drama and romance... and lots of LOVE!

Love not-so-cliche heroine and her very cliche country back ground! Love the super-hot hero (a trifle dissapointed about lack of lemons, but the plot made it up XD)...

I'm a sucker for happily-ever-afters so i loved the last chapter. But i think that transition between chap 26 and 27 was too adrupt... I don't think Sydney would have gotton over the breakup so easily if she was as sad as you described her. Also the case about the kidnapping with Logan n gang didn't really have a conclusion even though Syd did tell a teacher about it.

I did love the entire family chemistry with Hunter's family and also the bonds between the Spencer family - except for Mary of course - and I adore the little children! They were too cute to resist! XD

Absolutely into the Syd-Hunter couple too and I'm really really sad that this story is over!

... unless there's a sequel?... Lol... I'll go check...

Anyways thanks for a wonderful story and for creating such awesome characters! Great Job! :)
Perfectly Mythical chapter 27 . 6/22/2009
Beautiful story
bookwrm chapter 27 . 5/18/2009
Hey! this was a great story, i really enjoyed reading it and getting attached to the characters ('cept mary :D)

good job!

3DarkGoddess3 chapter 27 . 5/17/2009
I really love your story. Hunter and Syd are great together. Timmy always seemed more like a brother to me. I loved her family except for Mary of course. One of my new top favorites. I think a sequel of maybe Colton be the main character would be interesting. I like these characters to much for it to end already.
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