Reviews for A Bridge to Forever
whatdotheydream chapter 1 . 11/28/2012
Good! Yes, I am sick of vampires!
Liveey123348 chapter 1 . 1/11/2010
Aww I love this story! Searching for somthing that was in lil keets heart all along! It is a beautiful short story! I envy you! :D I wish one day we will all walk the rainbow ;)
Fertlover2000 chapter 1 . 5/22/2009
that was awesome!

i really like this short story...kinda made me a bit sad though..

but anywho, my feelings aside.

i like your stories!

nice to see that there are fellow ferret lovers on this site!

i plan on making my own ferret story sometime soon, but first since i'm kinda new to this site i'm gonna explore a bit!

keep up the god work and i can't wait to read more of your stories!
Kt of the Bugs chapter 1 . 3/24/2009
WOW, this is AWESOME!

it's a very touching story and i like Keet a lot...*heart, heart*

is this like a sort of feregana legend?

how the rainbow bridge came into being?

anywho, it's awesome!

keep up the good work!

-the bug is out!

(you have inspired me to continue writing SoaN, and maybe create some legends of my own for the land of Hyatii...yay!)
The True Dreamer chapter 1 . 3/21/2009
This was wonderful(o)!

Nothing less from Minoan Ferret. It was very cute and clean and such a well written little fairy-tale. I really enjoyed how, if any of your readers (such as myself) had read any of your other stories, that you kept them in the same 'ferret world'! You didn't try to pressure new lands and countries for us to remember because those wonderful places are already in our hearts on 'A Bridge to Forever'. Well done!