Reviews for The Simple Smile
Holly Jay Platt chapter 1 . 10/4/2010
I love the description of the smoker. I like how you used his actions to show his personality.

You might want to try separating the first paragraph into what he's doing and what the narrator is doing, it's kind of confusing.


Holly J.
chocolaterain chapter 1 . 5/20/2009
aw so cute! I love the story. it's just the thing I need. my day has not been going so well. I think i just failed my final. Go me, right? oh, well. Thanks for writing this. It definitely made me smile. :D
Guest chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
I just love this.

I'm going to start doing this to people.

Fantastic idea!
Thimble Whim chapter 1 . 3/23/2009
Well that was downright sweet. I feel like there's a bit missing- the part in the summary that mentions turning his life around. It just wasn't quite obvious why he might need turning-around or why the main character felt inspired to scrawl that note. Maybe you could go back and clarify that some? Even if you left it as is, it is a very cute concept, and you did a good job~ _