Reviews for Goodnight Saigon
Charcoalsketch chapter 3 . 4/14/2013
Oh my god. Just wow. I am incoherent at the awesomeness that is this story. You capture the minds of your characters beautifully - I felt like I knew them. This was honestly one of the best stories I've ever read, and I'm only sorry that I can give you the amazing review you deserve. This was spectacular - and also heartbreaking.
SamanthaPearl chapter 1 . 4/25/2012
damn, i remember this story. you broke my heart with it.
crunchyx33 chapter 3 . 12/5/2011
That my friend, made me so sad. I knew it was bound to happen, but I wasn't expecting him to end up like that! It hurts me so much and I guess that's what makes you a good author.
Kezz dog chapter 3 . 6/24/2010
The story was brilliant but way to sad. Why did he have to die when he was just about to have the perfect life? He deserved to live! You wrote this story really well, I'm getting pretty emotional here thinking about Lewis dying. I know it's not real but it's so sad
miss-life chapter 3 . 5/23/2010
I stumbled on this story when I was deleting old emails from FP ( I had a notification your story was added to SKoW C2 community). Well I read it all in one and I love it! It's so heart breaking and sad! I like the styles of writing you used (changes in POV, the letters) and I think you developed the characters really well!

It's just a really excelent story in the end!

cackled chapter 3 . 4/7/2010
beautiful. I really couldn't say much more. I'm not a fan of tragedy because I'm too emotional, but this was beautiful. Even though I had a feeling, I was hoping beyond hope he would live. I wanted babies, dammit! I attach too easily.

I think my favorite part was the banter between Jennifer and Lewis. However, I honestly enjoyed all of it, even with the undercurrent of this-will-probably-end-badly. I feel like you touched on a lot of internal conflict and you did it in a realistic way with each situation.

All-in-all, super impressed. keep it up.

(in my head, they're makin' babies.)
mon cheri le chaos chapter 3 . 3/17/2010
I almost didn't want to review. felt like if I review, the story would just seep out of me, finished. I don't want it to be finished. not on such a tragic tone.

it was a fitting ending tho. it was clear from the beggining (and the word 'tragedy' in the genre) that it would end, well, tragically. if it weren't death, it'd be from Lewis cracked beyond repair. but I guess, I just had that hope, for things to end up nicely. Jen and Lewis to have a chance. They really loved each other. I can't imagine myself as jen in that situation tho. I don't want to either :(

and its sadder that Lewis died remembering that Billy left him. and I know, Billy, somewhere out there would be completely tortured by the fact that he left his bestfriend. :(

but it was beautifully written, really. kudos and thank you :)
mon cheri le chaos chapter 2 . 3/17/2010
Poor Riley, RIP. :( he really was a great guy. Loved his kids and kids in general. Blown up by kids strapped w bombs. :( that's just horrible. When u mentiond smithereens and kisses from his kids, that just pulls, no, wrenches heart strings :(

poor Billy. He was such a happy thing. Well, now he's happy too. in a demented way. :(

Most of all, poor Lewis. Poor Lewis.

i'm sorry about the poor poor things. the chap made me sad. but its a poignant chap. beautifully written.
mon cheri le chaos chapter 1 . 3/17/2010
I love Lewis Bridges, his sarcasm, his witty remarks. In fact, he reminds me of my friend. But I guess that makes me Billy then. I can't help laughing at sarcasms, they're just the fun-est thing. :)

I love the way you wrote it too. Its like hhaving a coversation with him, instead of just reading of his head, you know?

and I can relate to jennifer. and your words and phrases and sentences are just delicious :)
Alkali.Alias chapter 3 . 1/27/2010
You have an amazing talent with words, characterization, and capturing emotion.

The writing style is so mature and the poignancy of the emotions immediate. I really, honestly think you have the makings of a substantive writer - don't waste your talent.

Good luck!
Hidden Flowers chapter 3 . 11/7/2009
Sad. I like it.
zeebra chapter 3 . 10/14/2009

I really felt your story. This was beautiful, amazing writing. You honestly captured Lewis as a drafted soldier - scenes of people going crazy and the children. And you also captured Jennifer, what it was like on the home front- the shock of being told that someone wasn't going to come home, that someone wasn't going to make it. You made the experience feel real.

I can truthfully say that this is thee best story I've read on here so far. It's real life. It's a bittersweet romance, they helped each other through. Although the last chapter was terribly sad, I think it was well chosen. It really made an impact.

My favorite part was definitely the letters. She kept him sane. I think it was very...awesome (lack of wording) that you set the story in this time. I think you got everything right. Kent State, drafted soldiers, war making people crazy, losing good people to something that wasn't entirely believed in.

Sorry for the long review, but I like long reviews and you need to be complimented on this lovely story. I have on question though, I'm curious of the title. 'Goodnight Saigon'...who's Saigon?
romance at short notice chapter 3 . 8/25/2009
This was absolutely beautiful. I especially loved the last few lines, particularly "...little Jennifer Vigneault, crying on the floor and not caring that her legs have fallen asleep or that she’s collapsed on tiles other deaths had seeped into before."

I can't even find the words to described how much this moved me. Thank you.
Yellow.Jellow chapter 3 . 8/24/2009
Wow. That was really really good. It was a good prompt too, so I think that helped. Very believable, I can tell you did a lot of research! I also think you did a good job with Lewis's voice, it actually sounds like a guy, and more importantly, it sounds like a guy going through a war.

Just one thing, did you use an electronic translator to translate into vietnamese? I'm sorry should be "Xin lỗi". He's awake should be "ổng thức rồi" and give him water should be "cho ổng uống nước"

that's all. great job!
and she knew love chapter 3 . 8/19/2009
Aww...darn you. Why...why'd you have Lewis die? That last part was definitely my sad! The whole chapter had me tearing up. Where Lewis kept babbling, "Dear Jennifer..." even though she was right there...agh. Poor Jennifer! They were supposed to have a happy ending...wah. Great, great, great job! I've never read a story so full of raw emotions. I have a whole new respect for you. Thank you for this story, and kudos on winning for Best Challenge Response. You earned it.
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