Reviews for Haven's Demise
moonstar chapter 24 . 11/2/2010
did you stop writing this storry? because if you did i will go into a great depretion(not a good speler today) because it would be a shame for such a good storry to go to waste. i love it! like big time and keep on writing, i believe you are a good writer. (even though i dont know you) but you're great. so i am begging keep on writing this story. it is so creativ. anyways Chao!
Kielke chapter 24 . 10/30/2010
Omg i love this story!

its soo suspenseful and intriguing, unlike most of the stories here that are so generic and cookie cutter like, that its soo exciting! lol

i cant wait for the next chapter, where it seems like everythings really going to go to hell

okashay09 chapter 24 . 10/24/2010
WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, tomorrow is the last last day for what? The story or them being together? At the end can most of them go back to the real world or some move on to heaven and Profeessor stays back because his wife is transferring to where they where or something. I want to know whats going to happen so update son!
rarahsarai chapter 24 . 10/20/2010
I love this story...can't wait to see how you bring it all together.
SeaJade Song chapter 24 . 10/19/2010
this story deserves hundreds of reveiws its really really really good :)
Rae Kitano chapter 24 . 10/16/2010
Writers block. How can you get writers block with this wonderful story.

And the end - damn I thought they somehow found a way out that Kristine somehow was able to save them. I will honestly admit that I'm dreading the ending - I cant help but feel at this moment that I'm going to be let down. I hope not please let the ending be just as important as the story.

Your story has been so beautifully written and the story itself is truelly magnificent and AGAIN I say - get it published.

And then - if your story stats are topping over the hundreds and you only get a few reviews. Big deal. It took me over a year to want to review to anyones story because I just didn't know what to say. If one of my stories even gets an alert or favourite I'm doing a little dance and am happy for days. But you young people - recognition is so important.

So I will tell you now - I have recommented this story to friends - at the end of my own submitted chapters on this site - facebook - you name it - I have let people know your story is fantastic and worth reading.

Now don't let me down. LOL


PS I hope I wasn't too harsh - I really really love this story.
AranaBanana chapter 24 . 10/16/2010
Oh hi!

Tomorrow as in, tomorrow? Or tomorrow in the story? I hope you mean both x. Because now I'm waiting for the next chapter rather eagerly. So you better hurry up and post it! Don't leave us anging, that's just so mean.

Anyway, you asked for an honest opinion so I'll give you mine. The way I see it, the story is just awesome, the only thing I would point out is that there are a few spelling mistakes, but it's not like it bothers me. And you update regulary so really, there's nothing to criticise.

Keep going
SimplyDevine chapter 24 . 10/16/2010
There was something about this chapter that i loved...i think it is the way they have all formed into a family like group or something close. There is also the fact you can see something is going to happen in the next chapter...something really really good.

I can't wait for the update and i love your story! D
SakurasApprentice chapter 23 . 10/7/2010
After... I don't know how long I've finally caught up with this story! Yay!

And now I wanna read more more and there isn't any... Bo!

Thus update soon, 'kay?
mehinator chapter 23 . 9/26/2010
love it!
NightTimePrincess chapter 23 . 9/22/2010
Love ... lOvE ... LOVE! this story please write more this story has made me obsessed !
DareToSee chapter 11 . 9/20/2010
oh wow! once again another great chapter! please keep updating
UbiquityEssence chapter 23 . 9/19/2010
o wow...
SeaJade Song chapter 23 . 9/18/2010
poor david :( but great chap!
ir0nna chapter 23 . 9/18/2010
Hello. Sorry for the anon - I'm using my itouch and it's ridiculously hard to type so I didn't bother to sign in.

But anyway. Not a bad chapter - it really cleared a bunch of things up, which is good. At least David isn't, you know, some manwhore or something. xD

I don't get why he was so secretive of his past, though. I mean, in my opinion his pastwasnt half as bad as the rest, apart from the dad (whose character kinda made me feel like punching him in the face - but that's beside the point)

But yep - apart from that, it was a good chapter, like always. (: nice use of vocabulary, good grammar etc etc etc xD

Only... Eh there was a spelling mistake - you wrote "arm and arms" when you were describing david's accident. Did you mean "arms and legs"..?
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