Reviews for Lordess of the Vampires
Patience chapter 1 . 5/31/2001
This is rather interesting. ::continues to read fic:: -Flare
Akara chapter 10 . 5/19/2001
HOW DARE YOU NOT TELL ME THERE WASN"T A NEW CHAPTER UP! Your a meany-butt! *sticks toung out* Hehe, anyways, I LOVE IT! _ And shut up Jellyfish person, her story is good! ANd if you don't like, stop bothering her and leave us all in peace! SO what if she isn't going by YOUR liking! I LIKE IT! And so does everyone else that has read it! SO THERE! ANyways, I want more! When is Sari and Faith coming in? I want to know! And what about Angel-boy? WRITE MORE! hehe, anyways. I should be going before everyone gets annoyed at little old me! Adios senerita! (probably spelled that wrong!)


Lilith chapter 2 . 5/13/2001
BHAHAHAHA! hi kristina!how dare you put your stories up on and NOT tell me?well you did...but i forget! until now! ehehe i read your story!it's good! do you even know who this is?it would be funny if you didn't! well ja for now!
Empress Kitanane chapter 2 . 5/10/2001
OOOO! *and the crowd grows silent...ONLY TO RISE UP TO THEIR FEET AND GIVE THE ALMIGHTY LORDESS A STANDING OVATION!* OKay, okay I know I'm weird I just can't stress it enough! :) I really really like this so far! I cannot wait to read your next chapters! I need to post yes I know I have been very terrible about that but you forgive me, ne? Well just thought I'd give you the credit you need my darling dear! See ya lata! *bows and then Empress Kitanane fades into thin air as quickly as appeared but not before leaving the review!*;)
Empress Kitanane chapter 1 . 5/8/2001
O.O Oh my! that was sooo good! O.o I am sitting here with my mouth gapping! I wish I had time to read the rest tonite but, my dear, I fret to say that I do not! Gomen Nasai! i will read all in do time!
David Dee chapter 1 . 5/1/2001
I'd like to say this story shows a lot of talent. (And I'd also suggest that Jellyfish 3 become acquainted with the term "artistic liscense".) Mind you, I still think it lacks a feeling of progression-things are happening, but there's no real feeling of a story yet... and sometimes your descriptions are little off. But strongly told, nonetheless.
Jellyfish 3 chapter 2 . 4/29/2001
Uhm... there's a little thing that you should know, vampires are not demons. Demons are fallen angels. I had to tell you this because it was getting too annoying.
Lord chapter 9 . 4/28/2001
That was pretty good. I like where your heading with it, and I do not agree with the other girl who reveiwed your story. I believe that good can not exist with out evil and same goes with evil. There is a balance, and it's up to both Angels and Demons to matian this balance. I like how you set everything up, and the chacaters each add their own spice to the story. And if you think evil can not win, that is just stupid people. Evil can win, look at humanity. You have to continue this story, I'll be waiting for the next chapter.
Jellyfish 3 chapter 1 . 4/28/2001
I thought I would like this since there were vampires in it, but, to be honest, there wasn't much there that I liked. I mean, the combination of angels and vampires? It could happen. But an angel has the power of God behind them. You made it seem as if the angel was weak and pathetic. NO vampire can win against a creature with God on there side. Back to your story. Actually, I really like our style of writing and I see a great potential in your abilities.
Lordess chapter 1 . 4/27/2001
...tee hee... I'm giving myself my own review... just because I feel kinda left out... ;) I know... I'm weird... anyway... If your reading this review, then I've got a few things to say!

1. Read the story! :)

2. um... I think I covered all the basics in #1...

3. no one...?

4. okay... your probably annoyed now...
Akara chapter 1 . 4/27/2001
Hum...interesting... *drums fingers together* Even thought i've read this before, it's a very good start to a very good story. You should think about finishing all of it, unlike some of your other stoires...finish it! or else! Anyways, i will be leaving you alone now. My other one before this was a lot better! _~ talk to you laterz Lordess!

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