Reviews for Lordess of the Vampires
Morgan Davis chapter 67 . 3/31/2006
im glad she finally has that dirty lil secret out in the "open", well i liked it and it was kinda senimental but it was kinda dull, hurry and update!
CascaOzy chapter 67 . 3/30/2006
I thought there was something... odd about it. That makes much sense I'm kinda disappointed that I'm not the one that figured it out. Still, I'm glad you ended it at a place that left the story at a place that was till compelling but not painfully so. It was short though. No biggie. ~~Taigasama
Catanne chapter 67 . 3/29/2006
YAY!The truth comes out. Another chapter, can't wait for the next! Keep up the awesome work! .
CascaOzy chapter 66 . 3/21/2006
NYO! I took forever to get to reading it but I really like it. I kinda had to review Danny as a charcter and the last couple of chapters to figure out what's going on but otherwise it's a logical change of pace and I like it. ~~Taigasama
Morgan Davis chapter 66 . 3/6/2006
wow. so danny isnt the prick i thought he would remain to be throught the whole story! FACSINATING! lol well hurry and update plz, i really want to know how heaven is taking this
CascaOzy chapter 65 . 1/4/2006

Yay! More LotV! ...Hm, Lot V sounds like an anime of somekind... That's off topic. Frankly, this isn't one of your best works. Although, the dialouge was great some of the narration seemed forced. Since I'm not in the mood to go back and give you an exact instance or an offering of a way to improve (You might email me if you want to force me to do so) I'll just forgive you for you previous cliffhangers because of the complete feel of the end of this chapter. That was long and trival... See ya!
Morgan Davis chapter 65 . 12/18/2005
what! you said this wouldnt be another cliffhanger! argh! it so is! but i guess not as bad as last time. . . lol ok well just hurry and update! loving the story so far!
Catanne chapter 65 . 12/17/2005
YAY! I'm so happy another chapter! What a awesome chapter it was too, keep up the good work! And I hope you update soon. .
mad-man2 chapter 64 . 10/23/2005
the list of reviews for this so ill ask anyway seeing as i havent seen you comment on it. why did you give yourself a lesser role? it is appearant that while you may share similaritys with the lordess of the vamps you are most certanly Sari. perphaps i should read your bio first but from your althoress' notes that is my conclushion.

... wouldnt she become like a Fallen rather than an angel... maybe the revirse, a Risen...

mad-man2 chapter 38 . 10/23/2005
sounds like me and books only i like only stories, not necicarly fiction but stories.

i have wiped out six libraies, three personal collections and except the occasonal new one have moved online.

Catanne chapter 64 . 10/4/2005
NO! Sniff...sniff and I was so excited about the new chapter...then there was the cliffhanger. Sigh...all well begger's can't be choosers. Awesome chapter please update when as humanly and thank you. .
amanda chapter 63 . 9/28/2005
dude its about time u updated this is freakin awesome! i cant wait for the next chapter YAY!
Morgan Davis chapter 63 . 9/19/2005
omg! how can you do this to us! you always have the worst cliff hangers! ! ! gr! omg! plz hurry it up! i cant wait! and i dont thing i like the idea of her having red eyes. . . man i feel really bad for her! Councilor Bideo needs to DIE!
Catanne chapter 63 . 9/9/2005
YAY! This is so awesome TWO chapters, I feel like . . . wow! Great chapters I am super excited to see what you have in store for future chapters! I was thrilled to see you updated I missed Pricilla and all the other carzy characters. Again, so happy you updated and I hope you update again real soon. '.'
CascaOzy chapter 63 . 9/8/2005
*Sucks in his breath in anticipation* We already saw Matthew's; is this when he see Pricilla's? This ought to be good. * baps Lordess On the Head for stop just before Pricilla [censored spoiler]* You are going to get shot one day. You know that, right?It will be out of love though~~TaigaSama
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