Reviews for Lordess of the Vampires
CascaOzy chapter 62 . 9/8/2005
NYO!BEcause I got two I wont threaten you this time but you might want to find a way to better seperate the transittions from heaven to hell~~TaigaSama
salad chapter 61 . 8/2/2005
update update plz plz undate plz (_
lc chapter 61 . 7/18/2005
wow that was good can't wait till u put the next chapter up
lc chapter 52 . 7/18/2005
lil kiddies that was cooli think i'll miss them
lc chapter 29 . 7/13/2005
okies, that time teresa and sari didn't really annoy me much, i think i might actually start liking them :)
lc chapter 26 . 7/13/2005
wow, those last few were the best chapters so far well, i guess its back to those two annoying girls again.
Morgan Davis chapter 61 . 7/13/2005
DAMB YOU AND YOUR CLIFFHANGERS! i love the story but GOD ! ! ! ! *sigh* oh well just hurry and update!
Anaknusan chapter 61 . 7/12/2005

Look I caught up and reviewed! Hurrah for me! I'm so happy you updated cause I'm totally addicted to this story. I'd ramble on and on about how wonderful your story is but my hand is in a brace (hurt it at work) and it's a wee bit hard to type. So I'll end it with YOU ARE FANTABULOUS!

~LumanosisA.K.A Anaknusan

P.S. I updated my story in finally if you're still reading it.
Asta chapter 61 . 7/10/2005
Sigh, your story is quite good. I have stayed up till nigh on four in the morning to finish it and you leave with a cliffhanger! Por favor lee mas! Wonderful characters, though I agree with you on your grammar.
amanda genevieve chapter 61 . 7/3/2005
hey r u gunna update this story or what? its been over a month and im dying to know what happens plz plz update!
Kelly chapter 1 . 6/21/2005
Hey hun, I love your story and everyone who doesn't is stupid... btw... about the other stories... need i say more?LYLAS
trickstersqueen15 chapter 1 . 6/17/2005
hello? what the hell does lordess mean? i haven't even read your story yet, but its lord and lady, not lord and lordess. duh. srry to be mean and all but it just looks so dumb on your title, really... lordess? that's not even a word!
LC chapter 21 . 6/17/2005
K this is getting kinda annoying, i don't like that sari chick or that teresa every1 else is ok can't you just kill those 2 off
LC chapter 15 . 6/8/2005
wow this is a really good story, its 1 of those stories that you cant stop reading, if i didnt have school now i think i'll probably finish the whole story today.

The only thing i didn't like was the singing chapter but then you did warn us.
CascaOzy chapter 61 . 5/29/2005
Lordess... *brandishes a evil looking club* are you trying to make me kill you? WHatever the point is you do a great job and the fact that people keep threatening you shows that your story is good and your cliffhangers work. Actual constructive critcism: Short choppy sentences better capture the feeling of panicking and being lost and repeating words actually make the character seem like their trying to make sense of something. Good work anyway.~~TaigaSama
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