Reviews for Lordess of the Vampires
amanda chapter 19 . 5/28/2005
hey this story rocks!
Morgan Davis chapter 60 . 5/11/2005
aahahahahahaha! omg! they are soo both gunna die! aahahaha! lol talk about suspence! keep it up! hurry and update though!
Kageisuke chapter 56 . 5/2/2005
OI! I'm back again... It's been a few days though... I had some papers to do, and in reality, I should be studying for my finals and doing papers. _ But I'm not.

Chapter 56 : Heh. That's great. Death by Glomp o' Death.

Chapter 58 : Oo. Trickster prodding at Pricilla... and she's getting angry... Kukuku... I'm amused by that. Can't wait to see what happens at the end. Is that dagger realy that important? I mean, she left them all behind... 0.o She's just running straight into a trap... Baka...

Chapter 59 : Hell for Dummies... _ World Domination for Dummies! I wonder if they could get sued for actually having a real book like that... _

Chapter 60 : Wow. That was some kind of evil cliff hanger. So Matthew is in *hell* of all places? Is that even possible? I'd think they'd both burst into flames upon entering the polar opposites of their own realm. Oh well. Sounds like much fun!

Owari. Kage. Ora ora! Update soon now!
Kageisuke chapter 54 . 4/29/2005
Because has, and will always be an ass, I have to submit the second half of my review here, after it go cut off for some reason...

Chapter 54 : 'If you'll excuse me, I have some aimelss wandering to do' {- best excuse ever to leave a room] Wait wait... TWO pieces of Heaven's Gate? You slipped that in there unexpectedly! That means it's Sari, right? She's the only other human there... ::nudges:: You sly thing. Of course, watch me somehow be compeltely wrong. ::sighs:: Bad luck I guess.

Chapter 55 : Tada! The last of my batch of reviews. ::blinks:: So Sari already knew? Too bad. I would have liked the surprise when she found out. Oh well. And what's this about Danny wanting to join? That seems mighty suspicious to me. I guess you'll resolve it later though. ::whistles::

Owari. Kage. 4:46AM. ::falls intoo bed:: instant death::
Kageisuke chapter 50 . 4/29/2005
Back again... Not that I really left, but I only plan on doing about 5 more chapters before dying for the night... It's going on 4am and I have to go to work tomorrow... ::cries:: Continuing my review from where I left off...

Chapter 50 : Sari abused her new [temporary] power a little too much, and that was why her eyebrows nearly got burned off... _

Chapter 51 : How did I know this was going to happen? Chibi Matthew'll probably be more trouble than Chibi Pricilla...

Chapter 54 : 'If you'll excuse me, I have some aimelss wandering to do'
Kageisuke chapter 41 . 4/29/2005
Osu! Isashiburi da ne? It's been such a long time since I reviewed your story. Do you even remember me? ::chuckles:: I looked back, and saw I haven't reviewed your story since December of 2003! That's more than a year. ::whistles:: Anyway, I'm back, and now I have 20-some chapters to read. Heh. It seems you aren't reveling in the long wait between chapters like you used to. Not that you were ever as sadistic about it as I was.

Chapter 39-40 : I've read these already, but they were still good the second time around. I had to reread them to reaquant myself with your style and remember the plot. 0.o I won't be reviewing chapter by chapter anymore, cus it just takes too long. I'll just write random notes/ideas as I read. Watch that happen for every chapter...

Chapter 43 : Home? As in Hell home? I guess we'll find out. I always wondered what it was like, since I've forgotten if you ever did tell us...

Chapter 46 : Lots of information! Finally, some more progress! I do want to know more about this Heaven's Gate things, and how Trinity is involved... It'd be nice if she was really a spy. ::cue 'Da da da!' music::

Chapter 47 : I've been wondering [since a long time ago] what was going on with Matthew and Pricilla. You've managed to stay so vague even after 47 chapters, truly a feat to behold [not with high regard, mind you]. I want to know. _ Tell me!

Chapter 49 : O... 'You're memories are mind now, Pricilla' How evil. I'm glad I have more chapters to read after this, cus if I didn't, I'd have to harass you to write more... Wait, when I get to the end, I'm going to harass you anyway. ::laughs::

Owari. Kage. I'm coming back for more... Just have to open a new window... This one's pretty long anyway, ne?
TaigaSama chapter 59 . 4/28/2005
I can't believe I got to the point with Trinity and said nothing about her. She is awesome. The rebellious teenager version of Lordess and yet she seems... different. (To all the other people reading it) It's a heavy burden knowing things that other people don't but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Love Trinity. Bring Her back lots!~~TaigaSama
CascaOzy chapter 60 . 4/28/2005
You are one of the most despicable people I know. Not that you not one of my favorites either but you are absolutley and abhorently evil. How could you do that and leave us hanging like that? Have you not sanctity for the fragile human psyche? *Tiger growl* I love you but now I must kill you... after you finish this story.~~TaigaSama
CascaOzy chapter 59 . 4/20/2005
*falls out of his chair laughing* World Domination for Dummies! We need to find that and a penguin army and our goal can finally be acheived!
CascaOzy chapter 58 . 4/20/2005
This one isn't as good as your others but as always it leaves you wanting the next one. Keep truckin!
Morgan Davis chapter 59 . 3/13/2005
yeah i thought it was funny! well i don't know what to think of trinity? for some reason i get the feeling that she has somthing to do with the bad guys but still. . . trickster said she refused to help them. well hurry and add another chap!
Morgan Davis chapter 58 . 2/21/2005
oh how cool is this. i'm glad you updated i was starting to think you had died or something! well i totally think she needs to remember about her past but its nice to have a little dramatic irony everyonce in a while! don't yah think? hehe well hurry and update can't wait to see what happens next!
mystic-georgia chapter 58 . 2/20/2005
I've just scrolled through your last chapter any my...what the hell is this? A kiddy show or a manga strip?
Catanne chapter 58 . 2/20/2005
Yay! Another chapter, I am sure you can imagen my surprise at see it. But I am very happy that you did. I missed the vampy lady and her friends. Anyways, great chapter! Looking forward to the next. Keep up the good work.
Val chapter 56 . 2/4/2005
Its me again... the evil fp websit didn't let me send another review from the same chapter so I went back one as I realised I had forgotten to say one important thing in the review I just wrote...WELL DONE! if I ever get a fp account u'll be in my favourite writters. pls don't give up on this story.
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