Reviews for Sundae Morning
2claire11 chapter 19 . 8/9/2012
Amazing story. I really enjoyed the entire thing.
2claire11 chapter 9 . 8/9/2012
Very good first act. This is the type of thing i would enjoy seeing.
ElphabaROCKS chapter 19 . 8/20/2010
Absolutly wonderful, you captured the emotions of Sundae and her struggle against her 'friends' perfectly.

Just simply amazing.
marceline the vampire queen chapter 19 . 8/14/2010
What the hell? How could you do that? So much potential for such a beautiful story...and you broke it off...with the SADDEST and most STUPID ending EVER! I HATE YOU! I'M CRYING NOW SO THERE.


Sorry about that.
DarkAngel1881 chapter 19 . 8/5/2010

That was truly, truly incredible.
bridgettblah chapter 19 . 8/5/2010
Wow. Wow. Amazing
Mizuwouttayou chapter 18 . 7/27/2010
I'm not even going to front. This is genius.
DarkAngel1881 chapter 18 . 7/2/2010
Wow. Deliciously dark. I love love love this. You're very talented at weaving stories. XD

Look forward to scene 19.
Moon Ribbons chapter 18 . 6/27/2010
Wow. Completely unexpected in this chapter. Flawless. Good job.
marceline the vampire queen chapter 18 . 6/27/2010
Sheesh, this is just getting creepy. I'm glad it wasn't actually Sundae who killed them...I wonder if her dad has schizophrenia too? Anyway it's getting very gripping, definitely continue.
bridgettblah chapter 18 . 6/26/2010
Wow I really really like this! I would like to see it be a play someday! I think this is really good, kkep writing please!
bridgettblah chapter 3 . 6/26/2010
Wow... I really like this! But, just one question to be clear;

Does anyone know Sundae has Schitzophrenia?

It doesnt seem like it to me, because the way they react to certain things she does..

But you can really tell she has schitzophrenia

Like I said, this is really good! Keep writing!
CandyXdaXneko chapter 18 . 6/26/2010
*gasp* Wow...At least SHE didnt kill them. Her dad is just evil! update.
Vicki Lawson chapter 17 . 6/25/2010
Interesting story. Please add more chapters!
Sixty Watermelons chapter 17 . 6/25/2010
This is not only one of the most interesting plays, but one of the most interesting stories that

I've read on FictionPress. It's dark, a little bit twisted, and at times slightly upsetting, but I hunk you've created an interesting antihero out of Sundae.

That just raised the question in my mind: what would happen if Holden Caulfield had schizophrenia? Whenever I say "antihero," I think of him.

I can't wait for the next scene.

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