Reviews for Beautiful Disaster
Ditto123 chapter 6 . 9/25/2013
For some reason, I thought that Dani was related to Willow - or is her. OMG! Plot twist! Lol, jk - unless it's true.
Ditto123 chapter 5 . 9/25/2013
Awe, cute.
Ditto123 chapter 3 . 9/25/2013
Willow seems like a pretty cool character.
Ditto123 chapter 2 . 9/25/2013
Well that escalated quickly . . . Love that last line though.
Dominique Diane chapter 39 . 8/5/2013
I wasn't expecting that Izzy was going to go with Jhonny to the eighteenth century! It was such a surprise, also when she received the shot from David, she was totally and hopelessly in love with him! Such a sweet story (:
ObsceneFreak chapter 40 . 12/20/2012
I wanted to congratulate you on your novels
I have read Almost all of them. However you have made a typo in the last chapter instead of writing Izzie you wrote Andie. I assume that you were thinking of your other character for a moment. I just thought I would let you know
It's writing while she's talking to willow about choosing to stay.
I hope you continue to write.
Best regards
3rd Bookworm chapter 39 . 11/19/2012
Just so you know u have awesome taste in music
On a different note I love this story
Bubbly Girl chapter 40 . 9/23/2012
Awesome story! :)
Peace, Love and Happiness! :)
Bubbly Girl
boredstarburt chapter 39 . 8/30/2012
loved this story.
JuneMeddleton182404 chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I love this story. It was great! :)
Guest chapter 31 . 7/27/2012
Heh, I found your story off ADoR, and I'm loving the read. Wanted to tell you though, that when Johnny took his shirt off after she laughed at him for sparring, the first thing that popped into my head was,

"...and *I"ll* do it with my shirt ON."

Made me giggle :D
Le Tigre chapter 39 . 7/24/2012
Hey, this story has recently been re-reviewed for the Humour archive on A Drop of Romeo.
Lady Femme Fatale’s stories are fairly famous on FP – always well written with excellent characterisation and near flawless grammar. Beautiful Disaster does not disappoint on this front. Full of wit, it tells the story of Izzy and the pirate that shows up in her Californian apartment, Johnny Clover.

Both of the characters made for strong leads with a lot of underlying chemistry. Izzy is a refreshing lead, she is funny, and also plagued with similar insecurities to most women (one particularly memorable quote is:’ Oh my God, is that more cellulite? Shit! How am I supposed to be a sexy kitten with cellulite?’). Johnny is your typical smooth-talking ladies man of a pirate complete with an aversion to love anything but the sea and an arrogant attitude that rubs a powerful witch the wrong way.

My main complaint about the story was that it did feel a little like a Pirates of the Caribbean fanfiction at times, what with Johnny’s character and his exploits, but don’t let that detract you from what is, on the whole, an enjoyable story
geeky-asian-ninja chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
I love all of your stories, I've read every single one of them. This is one of my favourites, but the rest are great too :D
A.L.Pecka chapter 40 . 7/3/2012
I just finished reading your story. It was great! I loved the ending. It made me laugh. Maybe I should start looking for a pirat :P Continue with the good job.
akaCHEEKS chapter 40 . 6/10/2012
Aw, boo. The link you have here for your blog doesn't work even after I . Perhaps there was a typo? But I'm happy for you! I will be on the lookout for your upcoming novel!
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