Reviews for On The Cross
Utah Dynamo chapter 1 . 6/18/2009
i often wonder if i could ever meet him i would ask jesus what it felt like to die and be resurected.
Fish E chapter 1 . 4/15/2009
I don't know what your theological views are, but though it was well written I found this to be offensive. It really misrepresents Jesus' death on the cross. Talking about how the devil tempted him was really cool and well done though.
Strawdygrl chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
Very nice...touching. We will never know the exact feelings of Jesus, but I think you have captured them as well as possible. You have written something deep, and inspiring. I like it! You give Jesus human feelings, and it allows us to understand him a little better.
EnamoradaConDios chapter 1 . 4/14/2009
Creative idea. I like how you described the devil as sweet and inviting. That is how he usually appears when he is tempting. But I don't think it's Biblically accurate to say that Jesus cursed God or sinned in any way, even in that moment of pain. The Bible says the reason Jesus could die for us is that He was without sin in any way. If He sinned, we'd still be lost. You did a good job at describing His pain, though. Was Psalm 22 your inspiration for that description?
J.A. Fletcher chapter 1 . 4/12/2009
It was a very good piece, though to me, I don't think Jesus would be should I say it? Would feel that way toward the devil while he was in that pain. Of course, many peoples' interpretations on that are different.

Best of Luck,

Sergeant Rock