Reviews for Untitled
Nejie chapter 10 . 12/30/2014
It's a good story. A little hard to read 'cause it need formatting and serious proofreading.

I didn't understand the picture scandal and blackmail. Or maybe i skipped a few lines here and there. Well, i still like it.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/2/2013
You need to learn the art of qoutations
breakthehabit chapter 10 . 12/16/2012
not logged in :D Second time reading through, still awesome as hell. You know what? I think that you deserve to be in my epic favourite author list. :D
breakthehabit chapter 10 . 9/2/2012
That was amazing. Like I said, awesome stories. ;P
labstractl chapter 1 . 10/9/2009
When r u going to update, G?
Psychedelicate chapter 1 . 5/29/2009
Why are there no speechmarks?
Aneesha chapter 1 . 5/8/2009
omg i just read the story soo far and it's really good and lol my names Aneesha too hahahaha.
Omok chapter 8 . 5/7/2009
What the hell happened? O_o; omg.. _ ;

THAT WAS SUCH A CLIFF HANGER X_X; holy crap...unpredictable...OH THE DRAMA T-T; lols..

*stares* update. update. x_x;
zutAra101 chapter 8 . 5/7/2009
As i said great chap, but i think this is the unbeta-ed chap so you might want to check if its the one i sent back. If it is tell me, i'll send the right one.

Omok chapter 7 . 5/4/2009
I lied when I thought the story had fast updates. TT


*stares* My personal problems is keeping me from giving you a real review. *runs away*

I'm kidding. x_x; lols. hahaha, I wish I can do that, but I guess I can't eh?

and dam it, do I see foreshadowing? Please. please. T-T; if you're planning what I think you're planning. PLEASE DON'T DO IT. T_T; I love Grams T-T;

update soon please. T-T;
Omok chapter 6 . 4/28/2009
I'm happy I'm happy I'm happy happy!

Why why You wondering? 'cause this story actually seem like a story that have FAST UPDATES! (unlike MOST stories...T-T;)


it's GREAT too! Sure; it's DIFFERENT, especially with the no quotation marks around the words part~ But hey! It's a GREAT story! I love how Aina is so devoted towards Aneesa. :D They're two AWFULLY cute cuple...xD

it's funny how every single character in this story is female, AND all of them (excluding grandma? and some unimportant side character?) have A starter names. lols. :D bu they! I'm not complaining! Just pointing out the interesting parts. :D

I hope you update soon; like VERY VERY soon. Even though you just updated today. xD I'm anticipating for the next update. XD I CAN'T wait! It's got me jumping up and down too O
zutAra101 chapter 5 . 4/27/2009
Hey, love the chap. Just a few mistakes here and there:

The first paragraph doesn't flow quite right, try and get that fixed. In the second paragraph change the 'stopping' to stop.

'You have a bruised bone in the back that is all she said you might get headaches for the next day or so...' I'm guessing you meant back of the head?

'I don’t need to know about you and Barbie I said crossing my arms she started to laugh I looked at her imagining a dull object "being" thrown at her head. this is one of my fav lines in this chap.

Alright for the minor mistakes, just run a spell check.

This might be the last review you get from me; things are staring to heat up with exams, just had my french orals soo yeah keep the chaps coming your doing great.
zutAra101 chapter 4 . 4/24/2009
Wonderful, I love Granny Mae.

There was one thing that I saw; there is a slight misspelling, you left off a 'k' in the word 'walking' apart from that everythings great, wonderfully paced.

Please update

Oh and your very welcome, I love your stories so anything I can do to help I'll try my best to do it.

zutAra101 chapter 3 . 4/23/2009
Hmm...corn beef and cabbage that tastes so great with a little yellow yam.

Love the chap, far as I can see no mistakes, great job.

Update soon please
zutAra101 chapter 2 . 4/22/2009
Nice, I like the new chap, couple of mistakes, fewer than the last chap so ur doing great.

Alright the first is 'I am sorry I am swamped with work today and tomorrow "I will be doing" a group session 'on' so I wont be able to do it until Wednesday' the words in ".." are added words, the ones in '..' don't fit in with the sentence.

There are other grammatical mistakes just run a spell check, it should spot them.

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