Reviews for Hey Mickie, Hey Mickie
Guest chapter 76 . 4/29/2014
Oh my fucking god. This story is beyond AMAZING. Please update soon.
Firestar001 chapter 1 . 9/1/2012
Very amazing, keep up the good work. I'll admit I have the story saved my phone so I can read it without using the internet. Anyhow please keep up the good work; you blend in the perfect amount of sex and story. If you need any ideas, let us know. Don't be one of those authors that leave us hanging while a writers block comes up.
Natsumi chapter 37 . 8/15/2012
Have I ever told you how amazing this story is? Because it is Ay-Mickie-Mazing. Never have I read a story as long, as detailed or even as captivating as yours is. Thanks a bunch for creating this story and I beg of you to continue it
breakthehabit chapter 76 . 9/1/2011
OMG! I'm going to kill you. o_O \ I can't believe you ended the story already! How will we know what's gunna happen to Dar Dar and Sammi! I need to know! Come on! Please finish it!
himitsugaby chapter 76 . 8/13/2011
Awesome awesome story

i cant believe it hasnt received the credit it should :C

I put an all nighter and took me 2 days to finish but really worth it

Sooo much MMMMMMM stuff

I really liked the plot twist, the characters and of course the 18 scenes xD

Love your sense of humor too :)

Hope i get to read more from this sometime soon

Good luck n_n
Hali2010 chapter 76 . 7/24/2011
...of course. You just HAD to stop when it was getting good lol. Anyways, I am absolutely in LOVE with this story and i cant wait for you to update again. I'm especially looking forward to reading the next Taylor and Mickie sex scene(which i don't think there are enough of personally. Plenty of everyone else, just not them) lol that should be interesting. So, like i said before, GREAT/AMAZING/AWESOMEST story ever, i look forward to the next chapter XDDD!
JadeRayne chapter 76 . 7/23/2011
I really love this story! I'm so happy that it's been (somewhat) recently updated! I cannot wait to read more! What I don't get though, is why chapter 74 is the same as 73 and 76 is the same as 75. *shrug* keep up the great work!
breakthehabit chapter 69 . 7/4/2011
LOL! "It's episode 69 and we just did a 69," Mickie pointed out." xD nice one. roflmao!
breakthehabit chapter 50 . 7/3/2011
Lol. " Chapter 50: The One Where Laney Kisses Mickie " xD Btw, did I tell you I love your sense of humor? ;P Well, now you know. D
Hali2010 chapter 69 . 7/1/2011
Ok, so apparently a few is almost seventy chapters in lol. Well, I really like your story, it just keeps getting better and im glad i have quite a few more left to read. So, GREAT JOB! Keep up the good work, i look forward to reading more of your story! XD
breakthehabit chapter 27 . 6/30/2011
Mintzler Prep! Gasp! lol. I liked that other story better than this one, but this one's alright too. If you captured their personality better or gave them a bigger one to start with, this would be an amazing read. Looking forward to finishing it! D
breakthehabit chapter 10 . 6/29/2011
Whoa! 5 foot 3 and just 105 pouunds? lol.
breakthehabit chapter 9 . 6/28/2011
xD Loved the ending of this chapter. ] Love your sense of humor too, it makes me laugh. Thanks for the great read so far! be back for more later D
Katie chapter 1 . 6/17/2011
Hey! i read this a while back and just noticed you started working on it again

Ch 76 huh? last time i checked it was at ten i think

lookin forward to reading it again :)
Hali2010 chapter 1 . 6/16/2011
Hi! I'm pretty sure I've read this story before but since i see you're updating again I've decided to go ahead and re-read it. I probably won't review every chapter but I'll try and get one in every few chappies.
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