Reviews for Brother, Dear
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2020
I wanna read it
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2015
I want to see! Add me? Lmao
Guest chapter 1 . 3/8/2015
Hi! I'd really like to read your stories! From what I gather they seem amazing! Its a shame that you have been plagiarised! It only show how brilliant of a writer you are! Please let me read your stories!
SweetDevilKid chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
i want to.. for real..add me..
Guest chapter 8 . 1/22/2013
Just wanna say that this is completely unacceptable. Downright unfair. I mean, why, why on Earth do I always stumble across the best stories at eleven at night? Come on. It's a Tuesday. I have school tomorrow. I can't stay up all night.


Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I really, really love this story. I know it has been a while since you've touched it, but I'm sure people (like me, caught unaware by your likeable characters and ensnared by your ficitional world) still read it and find entertainment and feels (because oh, lawd, the feels). I am loving this, you just don't understand.

I will read this story in one sitting. I will be tired as mess tomorrow (oh no, that chemistry exam nononono) but it will be worth it. Kudos, my friend. You have found yourself yet another happy reader.
Guest chapter 12 . 7/7/2012
Her mom really is a BITCH! DX Great story though.
loveofallthatisawesome chapter 14 . 6/8/2012
Alright, so this was a great story :D but I kind of felt like it was incomplete. I don't know, I felt like the characters could have been developed a bit more; maybe delve a bit deeper into their past.

The story felt kind of like it was all action-y. I would've liked to see some of Darrien's pov or maybe Emily's to see how they felt about everything.

It was great, I just wish there had been more :D
Halimede chapter 7 . 5/31/2012
Just wanted to say that in this chapter, Jasmine says they only have on guest bedroom but in chapter three you said that the second floor had a lot of spare bedrooms and that the master bedroom was on the main floor and Lyn and Darien's rooms were in the attic. So there'd be more than one extra bedroom for Darien to sleep in. Other than that, I thought it was a great chapter and I'm really liking this story.

JustNotPerfect24 chapter 14 . 5/2/2012
thiss was an amazinggg storyy!
behindXtheXsmileXofXanXangel chapter 8 . 2/28/2012
i have to go to class now .. lol i had planned on doing my math homework but i stumbled upon this story. which is a really great story by the way. i love it (:
Lazy-Teenager Syndrome chapter 14 . 2/3/2012
Sequel? I don't know if I just missed it or you don't have it up, but I hope you do? I loved this story and wish you would continue, especially in Emily's POV. I love her.
veroniica chapter 14 . 12/21/2011
i love it!Her mum is a bitch keke
witeaya chapter 6 . 12/7/2011
i love this book the first time i read it and now, the second time.

love how the darien's and lyn's feelings and emotions were amazingly portrayed with such simple gestures.

darien's a must have hottie.
SaMDR chapter 1 . 7/12/2011
I read this story from beginning to end twice! It was really good and the reason why I'm reading your other stories ) I really like all the characters, I must say tho Emily was probably my favorite. Do you think you'll be writing that sequel about her? D I really liked Darrien and Breklyn tho, they were awesome characters and although Lyn's life was really dramatic it didn't seem too...unrealistic. So kudos to you and keep up the good writing!
deletedaccount36912 chapter 14 . 6/16/2011
Well, just like I've been saying for all the stories by you that I've was amazing! This is the second step-sibling relationship that you've written about, you realize that, right? Probably, but anyway...I loved it! I hate Lyn's mom and Darien's dad. They are..really...messed up. Don't like em. I absolutely loved Emily to death and I was so excited when I figured out that she was alive! The relationship was very sweet. :) and I have a...uh...feeling...that I know what that little 'gift' from Victoria's Secret is...

The only thing that I noticed you did wrong was that in one of the chapters, you spelled Darien's name with two 'r's (Darrien). That's about it...

Loved it! Wait...didn't I already say that...?

Well I'll say it again! I loved it!
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