Reviews for Colorless
MAGICAL.NARRATOR chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
can't wait to see what the love interest is like.


Devyn has already charmed me. I don't know about charles yet... I have a grudge against promiscuous people at the moment but I'll give him a chance to prove
Jixnce chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
:P I feel like I must giggle simply because it was stated that giggling girls are um, what was it? Weird.

This fic is funny xD
JustCyde chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
haha awsome! I love this story so far and it's only the first chapter 's fun to read with all of his lying I can't wait to see what happens :)
WayfarerRedemption chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
Brilliant idea for a story! Im looking forward to new chapters.
ddz008 chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
Great first chapter! I really like how you managed to create a good thing from the little excerpt you had. I feel so bad for Devyn, it must be so difficult because he knows he is lying and can't do anything about it... is there no hope for him? I'm glad he has Chuck as a best friend. Hope you update soon and congratulations for finding a co-author!
miki chapter 1 . 5/14/2009
Wow, talk about a whole new interesting character! I really can't wait for an update. I have a feeling that this story will be part of my favorties. lol

But I really like where this is going so far, even if it's just the first chapter. Poor Devyn though. I think my sanity would be lost from the amount of trouble I would get in if I were in his shoes. D:

Hope to read more from you guys soon!
xXxEscape the FatexXx chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
Lol, I would say things like "Devyn, you ate my cookie didn't you?" even if I knew it wasn't him and technically its the truth from him XD awesome story!
Keona Raynalise chapter 1 . 5/13/2009
GREAT START! LOVE HIM ALREADY! lol CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER! When the 'love interest' shows uup... o! hehehe UPDATE SOON!
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